Chapter 6

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"Zayn wake up! Who the fuck is Chelsea", I heard Harriet crying and she shook me awake. I sat up and she was crying hard holding my phone.

"Who is Chelsea Zayn", she cried showing me the phone and I rubbed my eye sighing.

"Harriet why do you even have my fucking phone", i said snatching it from her tossing it on the floor and she cried hard.

"Who is she Zayn! She said that you fucked her", she cried getting up picking the phone back up and i sighed just wanting to sleep. She showed me the messages and I scrolled pulling her in my lap.

"Baby, she said that's what she imagines, do you see that, I never fucked her, she just gave me head and that's all", i said and she sniffled.

"Now wipe your pretty face and stop crying, I'm only fucking you okay no one else", i said wiping her tears away and she nodded. She grabbed a Kleenex wiping her nose and i pecked her lips making her lay down.

"Now let's sleep", i said and she hugged me tight making me chuckle. I hugged her back and she sighed kissing my chin. I kissed her face pecking her lips multiple times and she hummed.

"You wanna get back together", i asked and she shook her head.

"Why", i said furrowing my eyebrows and she just shook her head again.

"You always boss me around, which you still do", she said and i hummed.

"I won't anymore, please, I want those guys to stop hitting on you", i said and she sighed.

"Well that's what guys do Zayn and girls", she said and I grabbed her throat making her whine.

"Say yes", i whispered kissing her cheek and she shook her head no chuckling. I kissed her face and she laughed.

"Okay! Okay", she laughed and i smiled.

"That's a yes", i asked and she rolled her eyes nodding. I cheered kissing all over her face and she laughed making me laugh.

"Yayy, no more other guys or girls", i said and she laughed.

"Okay who's all going skinny dipping?", Claire yelled pulling her swimsuit off and Harriet laughed standing up pulling her bikini off running to the pool. They jumped in and i looked at Niall smirking. We stood up taking our trunks off and ran to the pool flipping in.

"Yeah!", Niall yelled and I laughed wiping my face. I swam over to Harriet under water and cupped her boobs with my hands feeling her jump in surprise.

"Zayn", she laughed and i pecked her lips twice wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Ooo we should play truth or dare", Claire said and Harriet nodded.

"Yes! Or have a foursome", Harriet said and i looked at her crazy. Girls are weird.

"Okay, truth or dare Harriet", Claire said and she hummed.

"Truth", she said and Claire laughed.

"Okay don't tell her I told you but Jenny said that she saw Zayn slap you with his dick once, is it true", she said and I laughed covering Harriets mouth. Knowing her, she would tell it all.

"Yes, he's done it almost everytime i give him head", she did moving my hand and i chuckled covering my face.

"Zayn! Oh my god", Claire laughed and covered her mouth laughing hard.

"I mean I like when he does that", Harriet said shrugging and Claire laughed harder.

"Okay babe truth or dare", She asked me and I hummed.

"Dare", i said and she chuckled.

"Um ok, I dare you to kiss Claire like you would kiss me during sex, if it's okay with Niall", she said and I looked at her crazy.

"I'm totally fine with it and the foursome idea", Niall said and i looked at him crazy.

"It's just a little kiss Zayn", Claire said and I shrugged.

"Okay ready", Harriet said smiling wide and I kissed her with tongue sucking her bottom lip twice biting it. I sucked it again and spit in her mouth pulling away.

"Zayn what the fuck", Claire said and I shrugged with wide eyes.

"She said to kiss you like how I would to her when we have sex", i exclaimed and she scoffed chuckling.

"You guys are too freaky for me", she laughed and Niall groaned lowly.

"I liked that", he said biting his lip seeing us all look at him and we laughed.

"Okay Niall truth or dare man", i said and he chuckled.

"Dare", he said and I hummed.

"Okay I dare you to go under water and eat her out", i said looking at Claire and he laughed.

"Only for like 20 seconds though or you'll die", i said and he chuckled going under water. Claire gasped and Harriet chuckled a bit making me laugh a bit.

"Uh! Niall Okay! It's been 20 sec- Uh!", she moaned loudly and i hugged Harriets neck laughing. She laughed snorting and i covered her mouth laughing harder.

"Niall okay!", she yelled and he came from under the water chuckling. He groaned loudly and Claire laughed.

"Paybacks a bitch", she said and he chuckled pecking her lips apologizing. I felt Harriets hand around my dick and hummed kissing behind her ear.

"You're so naughty baby", i whispered and she chuckled.

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