Chapter 1

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It was a rainy day at school today which is odd especially in my home town in California, but I decided to enjoy it anyways and take it all in while it lasted. Well,I must've been staring out the window for awhile cause I could hear my teacher Mr.Robinson call my name over and over again, but I ignored him until he came over the my desk and slammed my book down which startled me and had everyone in the class staring at me. My cheeks turned bright red of embarrassment as he walked back to his desk angrily. I walked into my kitchen to find my mom surrounded by a bunch of envelopes.

"hey mom what's all this?" I asked "it's months worth of bills that I still need to pay off, and I don't know how I'm going to do it cause I still don't make enough even with two jobs." She said with frustration.

I felt bad for my mom it's always been just us for as long as I could remember and she's always done so much for me.

"What if I got a job you know so I could help a little with the bills."

"You could get a job but I wouldn't want to to use your money on this it's okay."

" please mom i want to help you've done a lot for me."

"Well, okay you can help thank you love."

I started to look through the news papers and try to look for something I'd be interested in, but they were all so boring to me.  I searched for an hour  until I got bored and gave up. I drove to the small convenience store by my house. I was in line waiting to pay for my pack of gum and chips when these group of guys walked in one of them grabbed a candy bar and cut me in line. I tapped his shoulder to let him know that I was there first but he ignored me. "Hey you, who do you think you are?" I grabbed his arm and he turned around I looked up at him, he had brown almond eyes, dark slicked back hair, and a tall figure. "What do you want? can't you see that I'm waiting in line just like everyone else." "You cut me." I said. He rolled his eyes and shrugged then turned around. I got home and thought about how much I just wanted strangle that douche bag, but I decided to let it go and call it a day.

The next day I decided to go look for a job. I drove downtown and saw that my favorite restaurant is hiring, almost like it was meant to be. I went inside and talked to the manager and said that I could could have an interview later that day.  A few hours pass and I'm sitting in the restaurant waiting for the manager to call me in. My heart was racing and it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and I could almost hear my blood pumping through my veins. I got called in a few minutes later the manager asked me some questions about myself to get to know me and stuff like that. She said that she would keep in contact and give me a call if I got the job or not.
A few day later I got the call. I GOT THE JOB! I ran to my mom to tell her the new and she congratulated me. I ran to my room and was truly so happy that I got a job and finally help my mom. I thought nothing could ever ruin this, but I was surely in for it.

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