Chapter 2

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A week later I finally got to start my new job, so I walked in and checked in with the manager. She said that I've been hired to be a hostess and that I would need someone to train me so I could get the hang of things. She called over the guy working at the front who looked familiar as he was walking over but I didn't know where... until he got closer.
It was him, it was the jerk from the convenience store from the other day. He looked at me as if he had recognized me too. My manager soon interrupted my thoughts,

"Violette this is Aziel, he'll be the one to train you today so I hope you can catch on fast."

"Aziel that's his names? What a beautiful name for him." I thought to myself.

She walked away as him and I stared at each other. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me in disgust or in awe.

"So are you gonna teach me how everything works or just stand there?"

He walked me over to the front where there was a family waiting for us. He decided to take over the next few customers and never said a word to me. I soon got the hang of things but he didn't say much to me throughout my shift. It was soon closing time and was about to walk out the door when someone bumped into me... it was him again.

"Hey what's your problem why do you always do stuff like that?" I said as that rain could be heard poring outside the door.

"Nothing, you were just in my way,  just like at the store. You always get in people's way especially in mine."

He walked out of the restaurant and I was left standing there dumbfounded.
The next few days at work were very interesting to say the least. Aziel and I rarely ever said anything to each other. I would try to be nice and talk to him, but when I did he would either ignore me or just make rude gestures. It was our turn to close so him and I were in the back cleaning, The sizzling of the grill didn't block out the silence between us. I couldn't take it anymore I turned around and put my hand on what I thought was the counter to lean on. The burning pain shot through my hand I quickly pulled away.
I yelled as Aziel ran to me and saw the greasy red burn mark on my palm.

"I'll go get the first aid kit, stay there!"He grabbed the bandages and Neosporin, as he was wrapping my hand I looked up at him I couldn't help but admire how concentrated he was it was kinda cute.

"What are you looking at?" He said.
"Nothing, I'm just waiting for you to finish so I can go home."

He got up from the seat, " Well I'm done and next time watch what you're doing." He walked out and drove off on his motorcycle.

"Okay? I guess." What the hell was this kids problem?

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