Chapter one

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Rose was helping Owen fix his motorbike when he started speaking.

   "I got a call from Claire today. She was wondering if you'd be interested in going to some sort of Camp. Camp Cretaceous I think it was called. There's going to be six other kids."

"Do I have to?" Rose asked, not looking up from fixing the bike.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think it'll be good for you." Owen answered.

Rose looked up from the motorbike to past the lake to who-knows-what; opening and closing her mouth (like she's going to respond) from time-to-time.

"I don't know" She finally responded after a good five minutes.

"Well at least think about it. Who knows, it could be fun." Owen said. Then we sat in silence before, "Alright," Owen said, getting up off the ground.

He stood in front of her, wiped his hands on a piece of cloth, and held them out to her, "Come on. We should go inside, it's getting dark."

She took his hands and he pulled her up. They went inside, washed and had dinner. After some talking over dinner she decided that going to the camp would be fun, so the next morning she told her dad that she wanted to go and he was happy for her. Rose started packing some things for the camp, her clothes, sketchbook and pencils. The next day Rose and her dad were putting stuff in the boot of their car.

"Are you sure you have everything that you need?" Owen worried.

"Yes I'm sure you don't have to worry." Rose said, putting her final bag in the car. She looked at her dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, ok, well we should get going if you don't want to be late." Owen said, going around to the driver's side of the car.

Rose smiled and hopped into the passenger's side. After about 30 minutes they arrived. They both got out of the car and Rose saw the other kids coming off of the ferry.

"Looks like we just made it." She said, pulling out one of two bags from the boot.

"Yeah. Now you got to promise me to have fun, make some new friends and not to get eaten, and most importantly don't transform." Owen said whispering the last part, pointing a finger at Rose.

"Yes I promise. I love you." She said, giving him a hug.

"I love you too. Now go get them."

Rose smiled at her dad as he got into the car and drove away. Rose walked up to the other kids and faced the older person, who looked to be in his early 20s.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar campers, you are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to experience the awesomeness... that is Camp Cretaceous. I know the trip from the mainland was rough for some... hello Ben" He looked at a kid with a green jacket and grey shots, who was bending over puking off of the pier.

Ben looked at us, smiled and put thumbs up, till he was sick again.

"But you made it! I'm Dave, head counsellor, you heard that correctly--head honcho, big shot."

Then a Jeep Wrangler showed up from out of nowhere before it skidded to a stop. A woman got out.

"Ahh, sorry I'm late. Welcome campers, I'm Roxie, head counsellor of Camp Cretaceous." Roxie said.

The kids all looked back at Dave.

"Uh, huh, well it's sorta a co-head counsellor, sort of situation." Dave said, releasing he had been caught.

"Is it?" Roxie said.

"Ahem, anyway some of you won contests to be here, some of you had VIP invites, but for the next couple of weeks all of you will be given five-star treatment! " Dave said, ignoring what had just happened.

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