Pt 2

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Demi's POV
I woke up to a small cough.I sat up on the couch and saw Kayla flipping back and forth on the couch.I quickly got up and rush over to her and felt her forehead.She has a fever and she's only been with me for a day! I rushed to the kitchen to get something to try to calm down her fever.I saw an ice pack in the freezer and grabbed it.I wrapped it up in multiple paper towels before running back to Kayla.I put the ice pack on her forehead and sat down beside her.I picked her up and layed her head on my lap. I look at her and realise she looks like if me and Nick had a kid.I heard my phone ring and looked at it and saw that Nick was calling me.Hello? I said into the phone.Hey can I come over? He asked.Umm Wilmers about to come home with Shelby and Sasha so that may not be the best idea.I told him sadly.I can still come over besides you sound stressed.He told me.I am.The little girl I adopted yesterday has a fever.I told him.Omg do you want me to help? He asked me.I heard the front door open then my 13 year old daughters talking.Umm Wilmer and the girls just got home so I think they'll help.If not I'll call you.I told him.Ok bye.He said as he hung up the phone.I put my phone down beside me and saw Wilmer walk into the living room.Demi is this her? He asked me.I forgot that I told him.I nodded.Is she ok?! He asked worriedly.She's got a fever.I told him.Just then Sasha and Shelby ran into the living room.Mom who's that? Shelby asked.This is your new little sister.I told them.Is she ok?! Sasha asked worriedly.She's sick.I told her.Can we help take care of her? Sasha asked.No we can't we are going to go upstairs. Come on Sash.Shelby commanded as she dragged her sister up the stairs.I noticed Kayla start moving around.Wilmer can you go get me some cold milk for her? I asked him.Of course. He said as he went to the kitchen.Kayla woke up a second later.Demi? She mumbled as she rolled over.Yes? I asked her as I stroked her hair.Wilmer came back soon after with the milk.Hey I'm Wilmer.He said quietly.She looked at him and waved.I heard something going on upstairs then heard Sasha start screaming at Shelby's name.Shelby ran down the stairs and hid behind the couch.Kayla got closer to me as Sasha came running downstairs.She quit when she saw how scared Kayla looked.She walked over to her and kneeled down so she was at Kayla's eye level.I'm Sasha.She said quietly.Kayla.Kayla said while smiling a little.Shelby bounced up from behind the couch.Sasha I got your phone.Shelby teased.Sasha glared at her.I heard my phone ring and saw that it was my manager.Hello? I said.You have to record today.He said.I groaned and told him ok.I hung up and looked at the girls who we're playing with Kayla.Well except for Shelby.Ok I have to go to the studio to record,Kayla do you mind me leaving you here? I asked her.I don't mind.She said as she played with Sasha's hair.Ok Wilmer your in charge.I said as I grabbed my phone off the couch.I kissed Kayla and Sasha's head then kissed Wilmer's cheek.I walked over to Shelby and saw her glaring at her sisters.Please be nice.I told her as I kissed her forehead.I walked out and got in my car.I started the car and drove to the studio.

Sasha's POV
I just met Kayla and I already love her.I felt Kayla play with my hair.I looked over at Shelby and saw her glaring at us.I rolled my eyes.Ok I'm done.Kayla says.I get my phone and look at my hair.It looks really good.I tell her. Thanks.She says.Ok Kayla Demi said that it's time for you to take a nap.Sasha can you take her to your room? Dad asked me.Sure.I'm tired to.I told him as I picked up Kayla and walked upstairs.I sat Kayla down on my bed and went downstairs.I saw a bag of clothes sitting by the couch with Kayla's clothes.I picked out a short sleeve shirt with a pair of light blue shorts.I looked at the shirt and saw a small Arctic fox cub on it.I looked in the bag and saw a Arctic fox onesie.She really likes foxes.I mumbled.I got up and went upstairs.I saw Kayla sitting on my bed and playing with the stuffed bear on my bed.I sat the clothes on my bed and went over to her.Kayla do you want to put on pjs? I asked her.She nodded.I felt her head and knew she still had a fever.I helped her put on her pjs then put on mine.I rolled back my comforter and blankets.I watched as Kayla lied down on my bed.I layed down beside her and pulled my blankets and comforter over us.I watched as Kayla fell asleep.I fell asleep shortly after.

Shelby's POV
I don't know why my parents decided to adopt another kid! Are me and Sasha not enough?! I need to talk to Sasha.I mumbled under my breath.I walked upstairs and went to Sasha's room.When I walked in I saw Sasha and Kayla asleep.I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.I saw my dad on the couch.Dad what time is mom coming back? I asked him.Umm in about an hour or two.He said.Yes! I said excitedly.What are your sisters doing? He asked me.Sister.I corrected him.I only have one sister.But her and the little midget are asleep.I said coldly.Shelby be nice.Dad said.Whatever.I said as I walked to the game room.

Demi's POV
I went home after a couple of hours of recording.I walked in the door and heard the girls fighting.I put my purse down and ran upstairs.I saw Kayla outside Sasha's room shaking like a leaf.Kayla what's wrong? I asked her.She pointed at Sasha's room and I heard them both screaming at each other.I picked her up and walked in her room and saw Wilmer holding Shelby back while Sasha was on the floor shaking and crying.What the heck happened?! I screamed,covering Kayla's ears.Sasha cares more about that little brat more than her twin sister.Shelby screamed in tears.I put Kayla down and she just hugged my leg.Shelby that's not true! Sasha screamed before coughing up BLOOD?! I rushed over to her.Wilmer let Shelby go who rushed to her sister.Sash I'm so sorry.Shelby said.Kayla bent down beside Shelby and looked at Sasha. Shelby pushed Kayla out of the way.I saw her whisper something to Kayla who started crying.Kayla got up and ran downstairs.I heard the front door slam shut.We all glared at Shelby.Sasha tried to get up but started coughing again.Wilmer picked her up and put her on her bed under the blanket.I grabbed Shelby's wrist and brought her downstairs. What did you say to Kayla?! I screamed at her. That she wasn't even apart of our family.You should have never adopted her. She said to me.Well now you get to help me find her.You better pray that nothing happened.I told her as I dragged her outside after grabbing my keys.I was furious.I got in the car and so did Shelby.We drove for hours and didn't see her.I could only think of one other place she could be.I drove back to the orphanage where I got her from.Come on.I told Shelby coldly.We walked in and I saw Ally looking at me nervously.Where's Kayla?! She asked me.My daughter told her something mean and she got upset and ran off.I told her.She's not here is she?! I asked worriedly.No.Ally said disappointedly.But you need to find her.If her dad sees her walking around with no one to protect her he will take her.Ally said nervously.We're going to go look can you call me if she shows up here? I ask her.Of course Demi.Ally said.

Kayla's POV
I was walking through a park.I felt like someone was following me.I turned around and saw no one.I turned around only to have a hand get put over my mouth.I tried to scream but it just came out as muffled noises.I heard someone screaming at whoever this was.I turned my head and saw Demi with a very angry look on her face.Whoever this was let go of me and ran.I ran to Demi and hugged her.

Demi's POV
I hugged Kayla tightly.I picked her up and brought her back to the car.I put her in her car seat and got in the car.I looked over and saw that Shelby was still in the car.I rolled my eyes and started to drive back home.When I got home I looked back and saw Kayla asleep.Shelby go inside I'll talk to you in a minute.I told her.She looked at me knowing she was in trouble and then went inside.I got out of the car and opened Kayla's door.I got her out of her car seat and brought her inside.I saw Sasha and Wilmer on the couch and Shelby looking terrified of her sister.Shelby's the oldest by an hour if I remember correctly.Shelby what were you thinking?! Wilmer screamed at her in anger.Shelby started crying and ran upstairs.I'll talk to her.I said before Sasha got up.No.I'll do it.I'm her sister.She said before going upstairs.I walked over to the couch and sat down.Is she ok?! Wilmer asked me.She's fine just sleepy I think.I told him.She can sleep in our room come on.He told me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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