Your scent still lingers

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Your scent still lingers

There is someone
standing at my door
I'm not sure who
They're tall,
And scary.
They have large hands
It reminds me of you

I go to check,
But there's no one there.
There's a scent
The scent smells of you

I turn around and there it is again
No it isn't you.
It looks like you.
Stands like you.
Smells like you.

It comes closer to me,
Putting its hands
Around my neck.
This reminds me of you
You did this too
I cannot breathe
I can still smell your scent
You still linger here

I look into it's eyes
They're not brown how yours was
They're red
Their eyes are burning into mine

They let go
They smile at me.
They say,
"Are you happy?"
I don't know how to answer.

They said,
"You'll never get rid of me."
They left.
The scent is stronger than ever
It smells like you.
Was it you?
Was it my past
Still haunting me?

Did I not move on?
Am I happy?
Do I miss you?
Your scent.
Your voice.
Your touch.

Why do you still linger here?
Why can't I move on?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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