Closing Season 7B episode 12

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*Abigail's Hospital*

*Abigail's Office*

Abigail-Miraya sit down.

*Miraya sits down on a chair on the other side of Abigail's desk*

Abigail-I will be closing down my hospital.

*Miraya makes a sad face*


*T.V. Break Room*

Harold-I can't believe Felix left.
Morgan-I know right.But I hope he has a good time in New York.
Stephanie-So out of all the new Teen Volunteers from last semester,you two are the only one's that stayed?


Hayden-I just can't believe that after this year,there will be no more T.V. program.

*Miraya walks towards Hayden and Mason*

Hayden-What is it?
Miraya-Abigail is going to close down the Hospital.
Mason-She can't do that.
Hayden-It's her Hospital.She can.
Mason-What does The Board and Shanika have to say about this?
Miraya-They have no say.

*T.V. Break Room*

Miraya-Stephanie,I am the Chief T.V.,so I will tell you and everyone else your assignments.
Morgan-How are you feeling?
Miraya-About what?
Harold-Last semester.You literally went somewhere else.
Hayden-Can you hurry and give us our assignments?
Miraya-Okay,Stephanie watch over the coffee pot.

*Stephanie walks over to the coffee pot*

Miraya-Harold mop.

*Harold leaves*

Miraya-Morgan front desk.

*Morgan leaves*

Miraya-Mason magazines.

*Mason leaves*

Hayden-I just realized that I haven't seen Drew since the prom.
Miraya-I know right.

*Hayden leaves*


Abigail-I'm sorry to tell you that I will be closing down the Hospital.
Miraya-It's okay.
Abigail-But I will still pay you.
Miraya-You don't have too.
Abigail-I want too.

*Miraya hears a phone rings*

Miraya-I think it's happening again.


*Miraya touches a spider web*


Emma-Everyone get back.


*Abigail's Hospital*

*Abigail's Office*

Miraya-How did I end up here?
Abigail-I brought you here,so no one can see you.
Abigail-What happened?
Miraya-Emma said "Everyone Get back".
Abigail-Emma?Her twin sister is Skye,right?
Abigail-I shut down the Hospital though.
Miraya-I have no idea.

*Security Room*

*Hayden looks up*


*Hayden leaves*

*Abigail's Office*

*Hayden runs in*

Hayden-What happened?
Abigail-Miraya said that Emma said "Everyone get back".
Hayden-Who is Emma?


*Stephanie hears Hayden,Miraya,and Abigail's conversation*

*Abigail's Office*

Miraya-You will meet her soon.
Hayden-How soon?
Miraya-I have no idea.

*what will happen*

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