Jealousy Season 7B episode 13

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*Abigail's Hospital*

*The Shed*

*Mason walks in on Harold and Morgan kiss,and they look at Mason*

Mason-I know how y'all felt.
Morgan-So,you can leave now?
Mason-Okay...Don't mind me.

*Mason leaves*

Morgan-We can never have privacy in this Hospital.
Abigail-I know you can't.

*Morgan and Harold looks at Abigail with the door open*

Harold-Did Mason snitch?
Abigail-No.I tried to come in here,and he tried to stop me...Go get to work.

*Harold and Morgan leaves*

Abigail-Bad kids.

*T.V. Break Room*

Miraya-Harold and Stephanie I need you two to clean all the windows.

*Stephanie looks confused*

Stephanie-There is like ten stories.
Miraya-I know.

*Miraya hands then a bucket with a rag and a scrub brush*

Miraya-Get to work.

*Harold take it,and Harold and Stephanie leaves*

Miraya-Morgan mop.

*Morgan leaves*

Miraya-Hayden I need you to do laundry.

*Hayden leaves*

Miraya-And Mason.
Mason-I need something to tell you.

*Miraya and Mason sits down*

Mason-Have you and Hayden said I love you to each other?
Miraya-During Shanika's war...Have you and Corey?
Mason-Yes,but only once.We haven't said it to each other since then.

*Miraya holds Mason's hand*

Miraya-Me and Hayden don't say it all the time but I know that we love each other.And Corey loves you,and you love him.If anything happens to you he will be devastated.And you would be the same if anything happens to him too.
Miraya-The next time you see him,say it.
Mason-And what if he doesn't say it back?
Miraya-I don't never see you two argue,and you two will kill and die for each other.
Mason-Your right.
Miraya-You two are literally couple goals.

*Mason smiles*

Miraya-A lot of underrated.But couple goals.
Mason-I am fixing to do my work.
Miraya-I didn't assign you anything yet.
Mason-I will go help Abigail.

*Mason gets up from his chair*


*Mason leaves*


*Morgan looks at Harold and Stephanie laughing at each other*

Morgan-Okay,I am not going to be one of those girlfriends that are going to get jealous.

*Morgan looks at Harold and Stephanie getting closer to each other*

Morgan-That's it.

*Morgan walks over to them*


*Harold and Stephanie looks at Morgan*

Harold-Oh,hey...What are you doing here?

*Stephanie looks at Morgan's hand empty*

Stephanie-Where is it?
Morgan-Anyways,Harold can we talk?

*The Shed*

Harold-What's wrong?
Morgan-You and Stephanie.
Harold-So,what's the problem?
Morgan-She is flirting with you,and you are flirting with her.
Harold-I'm not.
Morgan-I seen it.
Harold-I don't cheat.
Morgan-Well it looks like you like her.
Harold-I don't.

*Harold holds Morgan's hand and looks into her eyes*

Harold-You are the only girl I love.

*Morgan smiles*

Harold-I waited years,to be with you,okay.And I will not leave you.Not now,not ever.
Harold-I have a strategy for us to be together.


*Stephanie looks at Miraya and Hayden kissing and gets sad*


*Stephanie leaves*

*what will happen*

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