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I've noticed that quite a lot if things are based on a small group of ideals. One of them being money. Yes, I know there are other things included, but I just want you to focus on this topic.

Money is currency, currency is money, money is used to gain things. Things like food, clothing, shelter, concerts, posters, jewelry and pretty much everything else. Now money can be used both with good intentions, but also with bad. It's funny that a coin or slip of paper can grant almost any wish. That it can be used to bribe someone into lying, or help you cheat.

I am not going to tell you how to use your money. Because you see what I write is what you read, but it only counts if you decide to do it. So instead of telling you what's good or bad I want to ask a question.

How do you think money should be spent?

Then I ask: Do you spend it like you answered the question above?

If not then think how you could use this "power" that you have. The little piece of paper that is worth so much, and that can help as well as hurt. It's your choice I'm just the one asking.

AN: I should be doing homework, but Wattpad is just so much more fun. Ugh seriously I just wrote about procrastination.

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