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Ok so today I shall be talking about friends.

I'm assuming you all have friends, and I really hope you do. If you don't I love making friends, so just shoot me a message. So apparently there are 3 categories.

Someone you don't know
Someone you kind of know
Someone you know very well and like

Now me being me I just kinda of call everyone my friend. Because in truth I may not know them well, but they are there anyways. I think that everyone can be your friend even if you don't know them well. I mean isn't that how you make friends in the first pace. I also know that it makes someone feel so much better if you call them your friend. It signifies that you trust them and that is something that people are proud of.

Now my best friends are some of the best people ever. I'm not even kidding they're my family, and I don't mean like I'm an orphan Harry Potter style. I just mean that if everything was crumbling around me and others had given up on me, they would be there.

I could call them up and vent, no judgement, no criticism and they'd just be there.

I advise that you try the art of friendship making because it can lead to some ridiculously amazing relationships.

Yes, that weird girl on the other side of the room could be that person. Sometimes the people you don't expect tend to be the people who change your life for the better.

There once was a quiet girl who sat next to me in 3rd grade, and we created an amazing group of friends. One moved to another country, one became home schooled, one lived far away, I went to another school and she stayed. Even though we hadn't talked for 2 years, she remembered. We have never had a class together since elementary school, we don't play the same sports, we don't live down the street from each other. But when you find that friend there isn't a barrier to stop you. Because you know they're there when you need them.

Now your probably wondering who this person is, but I'm not going to tell you because I feel like everyone already knows how great she is.

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