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•Y/N's POV:•
I was too stunned to speak, my parents had died right in front of my eyes by an enforcer, both of them... hot burning tears building up as my face scrunched up, shaking my head not wanting to believe my parents were gone.
I fell to the knees as I screamed my parents names, crying at their corpse in mental pain.
I heard metal footsteps colliding with the wood planks in front of me, I lifted my head to only face the same enforcer that had shot my only family down. I closed my eyes ready to die and be reunited with my family once again, my life flashing through my eyes, until I heard a voice 'they didn't risk their life's for you only for you to die' it said, my eyes snapped open, seeing the guy about to pull the trigger 'Make them proud' it finally said.
"You blimmimg won't!" I heard someone shout, As soon as the enforcer was about to shoot at me, the blue armoured man flew across the bridge where he war was at.
I looked up at my hero seeing it was Vander, the guy who basically owned the Undercity. He looked down at me with pitiful eyes, he was holding a blue haired girl on his shoulders, and a pink haired girl around my age maybe older on his arm. He then picked me up with his spare arm "come on Kiddo. Let's get you all back home." Vander said walking off into the red smoke.
Right now, I couldn't care where we were going to go. As long as it's not here...

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You can pick your own outfits (going fancy)

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You can pick your own outfits (going fancy)

Years later

I grabbed onto a ledge as me, Vi, Mylo, Claggor and even Powder were climbing a wall in Piltover.
Vi looked down at us since she was at top, "we're almost there." The pink haired girl panted, I nodded and pulled myself up onto a screw. "Aw man." Mylo complained from below me. Vi made it to the top and pulled me up, both of us panting, I turned around and pulled my hand out for Powder as Vi walked off, "hey Powder. Come take a look." Vi said, I pulled her up as he mouth fell a bit, I waited for Claggor and Mylo and helped them up as well. Letting the sisters having their moment, once everyone was up we began to make our way over to the sisters, until a massive airship flew right above us, the force of the wind causing us all to duck, "one day, I'm gonna ride in one of those thing." Powder said, "and one day. I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down." Mylo suddenly interrupted, raising his hand and made his hand into a gun, Vi pushed his arm away playfully and walked forward, Mylo smiled at the playfulness, "Vi, Ar-are you sure about this?" Claggor asked, unsure about this mission, "if we get caught we're-" Claggor was suddenly interrupted by Vi, "we're not gonna get caught. We'll be in and out before anyone notices." Vi simply spoke jumping off a small ledge to get to the next roof over, the rest of us following. "Alright, everybody follow me. Just don't look down." Vi said, suddenly Vi swiftly slid down the roof till she hit the iron ledge, immediately jumping off of there and climbed onto the roof of a balcony, her feet touched the fence of the balcony as she climbed down and went over the fence ready to jump to another roof, she jumped and landed on all fours. Panting after her moves.
She looked back at us signalling for us to follow, Mylo went up and followed her lead, landing landing on all fours like Vi, not even a second later Claggor had also jumped down.
I was about to go up until I felt a small hand grasp my own, I paused and looked back down, Powder hugging up next to me, "Powder what's wrong?" I asked, finally speaking up after this whole trip. "I-I'm not sure I can do this." She mumbled, i looked over at Vi for a split second, seeing her staring at us, I looked back down at Powder and went on one knee to match her hight, I cupped her cheek, "hey, remember what Vi had told you before we did this." I smiled, "that.. I'm ready." She breathes out, I nodded my head, "that's right! Now, you wanna show me how it's done?" I asked, gesturing for her to go before me, "I'll be right behind you." I patted her head before standing up, she nodded as a new determination had rose from her, she leaned forward and landed perfectly on the iron ledge, jumped to the roof of the balcony and landed perfectly in the fence, she jumped and was yet to fall off, my muscles tensing as a gasp erupted out my throat, all up until Vi grabbed her hand before Powder was about to fall. A sigh escaping my lips as I began to head down, I slid down as my feet collided with the iron ledge, I jumped with my arms stretched and held myself up when I landed on the balcony's roof, my feet landing in the metal fence, I braved myself as I quickly grabbed a cupcake and jumped, landing on my three's as my hand held the cupcake, "well done Powder, here's a cupcake." I smiled, she gasped and took it, humming with glee as we began to walk up, "could've got me one." Mylo rolled his eyes as I chuckled.

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