S1: 9

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•Y/N's POV:•
I looked down at the water, crunching my face at then thought that I was in there merely an hour ago. I looked forward and the girl stood there looking strong and independent, her back faced towards me while her hands rested on her hips, "so.. what's your name?" I asked, she turned around with a wide smile, "oh how rude of me! Well my name my dear is non-other than Quill." She posed.. I swear I just saw her teeth get sharper.. not only that but her smile got wider too, "and yours?" She asked, "Um.. Y/N." I replied, looking over her shoulder to see how long we had left, she turned back as well, "we have simply 2 more minutes till we hit land." It was as if she read my mind.
Soon she slowed the boat down and parked at a dock. I stood up and was about to step on the wooden platform before I saw a hand next to me, Quill's hand was laid out as if she was expecting something, I gave her a confused face, "your hand, my dear." She answered, I hummed and gave her my hand and she helped me up onto the dock before getting onto it herself and tying her boat to the dark with string metal. She then began to walk off, I stood there staring at her back before racing up to her, "um.. thank you?" I asked, she hummed, "see you when I see you kid." She said before pulling out a gun and turning to a different direction, I sighed and headed into the undercity, walking in the direction of my destination.
Destination.. where was I even going? I don't HAVE a destination. I doubt Jinx and Silco will be at the last drop.. what if Jinx got caught and she went to prison? Or- or maybe she died-
I groaned and held my head in my hands, everything began to click and the noises around me began to buzz, I looked around and saw everyone was.. Vi.. before everyone disappeared and went back to their normal empty form.
I gasped and felt a pain in my foot, an arrow? Why's an arrow in my foot?! Let alone how the fuck did it get through my shoe?! "Why aren't you a pretty girl?" I heard someone say, "why are you here?" It was the same voice, it was deep. I looked up and saw it was an enforcer, why was an enforcer here? "What are you doing here?" I panted as I began to feel light headed, "I can ask you the same thing. Your obviously from Piltover, I can tell from your clothes and pretty face." The enforcer grabbed my chin and shook it, I growled and swatted his hand away, I was in no condition to fight, "leave me be! You lounge lizard!" I shouted, "that's it!" Was the last thing I heard from the man before getting knocked out.

I woke up, my eyes felt heavy and my head felt as light as a feather, I looked around me and saw I was in a bed.. it doesn't take a genius to figure out this fancy room was in Piltover , I felt my eye twitch, "I JUST GOT TO THE FUCKING UNDERCITY?! WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted, anger rushing through my veins, "calm down." I heard a familiar British voice. (It's weird saying that consisting I'm British)
I look back and saw Caitlyn, "Wha- Caitlyn? What am I doing here?" I asked, Sitting up. It seemed t was only me and Caitlyn in her room, "I was just staring out my window and I saw an enforcer dragging you past our gate, Vi realised it was you straight away and we got you here." Caitlyn explained, "Vi? Where Vi?!" I asked, "right here." The pink haired woman walked through the door and walked up towards the bed, I smile and hugged her, she hugged me back and held onto me tighter, "I've missed you." She whispered, she laid down bringing me with her, I smile even wider and dig my head into her neck.

"What happened to you?" Vi asked after a while, "I kinda threw myself off the bridge.. I ended up going underwater but I managed to save myself." I said proudly with a wide grin.
"Well at least your okay." Caitlyn smiled, I nodded in agreement.

We then began to talk, about how they got out of the situation and how they got here, including the meeting they had tonight, I explained my side of the story about technically being kidnapped again and Quill. We then began to talk about Jinx and Ekko.
Long story short we just talked and got to know each other.

My crush on Vi is slowly growing.

Sorry for this being late (I forgot that the book existed) I'll update later this afternoon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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