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"  When did I become a licensed international air hostess? My dad is a businessman, what else do I need to know about myself, Richard? She exclaimed as we got home.

she was quite upset and she had every right to be, yet she defended me from my mother and brother. I had no idea why she had to do that but I was grateful to her.

" say something Richard, how many more lies do I have to tell,? and it's crazy you don't let me decide if I want to lie or not " She said.

" you are right, I'm so sorry I keep dragging you into this, but your stepfather is a businessman Though. I said.
she rolled her eyes and looked at me with disgust.

" wow you did a background check on me, wonderful, how much more will I have to take? She asked

" That was the last lie, I promise, and I'm so sorry, forgive me," I said calmly.

She had every right to be upset and I didn't want to engage in any sort of argument with her, I was thankful to her for playing along.

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with pity, I didn't like those eyes, I liked it when she looked at me as an arrogant egotistical man.

" you know you shouldn't let your mother walk all over you like that," she said with a concerned voice.

"Look it's not a big deal, stop poking your nose in my business, I will deal with it,"  I said hoping to end the conversation.

" I want to help you, come to me anytime, I'm still your therapist okay? " she said

"Sophia, I said I'm fine, do you think you can handle me if I let you through these walls? I asked.

I walked close to her, and she took some steps backward and hit the wall behind her.

she said "don't come any closer, Richard, please" her voice was shaky.

" what if I decide to let you in, can you handle me? Can you understand me?" I asked, staring directly into her eyes.

I think I can try to understand you, as long as we don't cross a line, I can understand you," she said confidently and smiled.

Her dimples, her smile, her fragrance, her courage, everything about her was different, no woman ever stood up for me the way she did, and no one tried to understand me but she was willing to and this meant everything to me, I never knew words could mean so much to me until this moment.

Her words made my heart beat faster and I instantly pinned her to the wall.

"I said we shouldn't cross a line .....Richard" she said softly, her faded voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Just this once, please let me cross the line" I whispered into her ears and her body trembled like it was permitting me.


I had convinced myself I was going to put Richard in his place once and for all but here I was pinned to a wall and drowned in ecstasy when he whispered in my ear, I knew there was no escape.

He put his hand around my neck, choking me softly, I let out a soft moan, and I threw my hands around his neck drawing him in for a kiss, his tongue gently finding its way to my mouth, I let him explore my mouth with his tongue.

I felt hungry and wanted to have every bit of him, he awakened all the senses, I thought I had lost.

He pushed his hard body close to me, I placed my hand on his chest to have a proper feel of his chiseled chest, I caressed his nipples and he let out a moan and mumbled some words in my ears, I could tell he was equally lost in ecstasy.

I had no idea where this was headed but I couldn't stop, he reached his hands down and pulled my dress gently, as much as I was afraid to go further, I didn't stop him, I wanted him.

"Oh my!Oh, God! I'm  so sorry " a feminine voice exclaimed from behind us

I recognized the voice, it was Penelope, He adjusted his shirt instantly and I pushed him away and pulled up my dress which was already halfway down.

She turned around to leave in a hurry figuring out she interrupted us. I could see a little hurt and disappointment in her eyes.

" oh pene, I didn't know you are still here, "he said.

"I had something I needed to discuss with you, so
I waited behind, but you seem busy, so tomorrow I will..... " Richard cut in

"No I'm not busy at all, let's talk," he said, giving me a gesture to excuse them, I felt so embarrassed, the smile of victory on her face was hard to conceal.

I wanted to walk away but I resolved not to

"Penelope, you had to wait so late to talk to my fiance, don't you think it's inappropriate? I asked

Richard turned to look at me in awe.

" I didn't know me and Richard had such boundaries, and he doesn't have a problem with it " she replied

"Sophia, can you go to the room? I will join you in....." I cut him off before he had a chance to complete his sentence.

"Babe, she interrupted us, I think it's rude, we have unfinished business, if it's not an emergency, it has to wait, right love? " I said glaring at him and linking my arms around him, he looked astonished at my reaction.

" Penelope, if it isn't an emergency, let's talk
Tomorrow " he said calmly to her.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow " she nodded, smiled bitterly, and walked away.

there was an awkward silence for a while between us and I let go of his hands instantly.

"why does she keep calling you Richie, what kind of relationship do you both have? " I blurted out, a little embarrassed but I was curious.

He smiled at me and pulled me close, my entire body became overwhelmed with pleasure again.

"Let's not cross the line darling, " he whispered gently. those words cut me like a knife, and he released his grip and walked away with an obscene smile.

I stood there speechless,  still craving his hands on my body, once again he left me wanting him.

I promised to draw the line tonight.

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