Chapter 17

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Sophia's POV

Richard had been avoiding me, but he was always on my mind, he didn't come around to see Lilly as much, but he always sends down toys and snacks for her through the maid, which was sweet.

I was dying to see him, but I held myself back, I didn't want to seem too needy and he didn't try to reach out either.

My thoughts escaped back to Penelope's words about how he was just using me and my heart dropped.

Something was different about him, I was so sure of that. Before him, I couldn't engage in any sort of sexual intimacy without having a panic attack, but there were no panic attacks with him.

I was genophobic, a phobia I developed after the incident six years ago.

I couldn't hold back anymore and sent him a text.

" hi, where are you?  " I wasn't expecting any quick reply.

the message seemed a bit out of the blue, I waited for his reply and it didn't come. I stormed up to the library hoping to see him.

As I made my way into the library, David and Richard looked up at me in shock.

"Shit! I thought he was alone," I thought to myself but it was too late, so I put up a different scenario.

" oh hi miss Sophia, it's been a minute," David said still perplexed at the way I stormed.

" oh my David I have missed you, how have you been? " I asked genuinely happy to see him after a long time.

" been doing great, do you need something? " he asked with worried eyes.

" Ohh no!  I have a consultation with Richard " I blurted out turning to look at Richard who seemed shocked at my words.

" I have a therapy session with you today. ?"
He asked still amused.

" didn't you get my text message? Anyways, I'm here now, but we could reschedule! " I said.

" oh no I'll let you both do that, I was just about to leave, " David said getting up and looking at Richard, they exchanged goodbyes and he left.

" Miss Sophia, you are a very interesting character, I can't seem to find any notification about our appointment on my phone," he said getting up and moving towards me I was red with embarrassment.

"I'm glad you are here anyways, I missed you " he beat me to it, I had planned to tell him how much I missed him but here I was missing him

" I guess your mental health is okay today, do you need to tell your therapist anything? " I responded, and a smile escaped his lips.

He had changed so much compared to the first day I walked into his office he was agitated whenever I mentioned mental health but right now he was smiling which made me feel good.

" you are my safety pin, " he said kissing my forehead and pulling me in for a hug.

" why didn't you reply to my text message or even text me?" I asked.

" I'll probably blow your phone if I texted you every time I missed you," he said.

I had no idea what we were doing and I didn't want
to overthink it, I haven't felt this way for anybody before and I never thought I will after that dreadful incident, I couldn't trust men but I trusted him and I wanted to rely on him.

" Will you want us to go on a date tonight? " he asked gently releasing his grip and looking into my eyes.
How could I resist this blue eyes and handsome face?

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