Chapter 1

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Looking around for my boyfriend. I couldn't find him anywhere. We came to his friend's house for a Halloween party together and he said he saw someone and he would be right back, that was half an hour ago. I leave the couch was waiting on and start to look around.

We have been together for two years and I knew his friends. Just, we tend not to hang out with these particular friends, well I don't, because they're always partying. It's always hectic and I only allow myself a few parties every once in a while so I can actually focus on other things.

"LIAM!" I shout as I start to make my way around, asking people if they've seen him. People just give me odd stares or brush me off. I find his friends and they just laugh at me when I ask them and shrug me off.

Turning away, I run smack into someone.

"Ugh, get off of me. Bitch," instantly, anger boils through me. "Watch where you're going."

"Well. Maybe if you stop appearing out of thin air every time I'm near, then it wouldn't happen. Bitch."

Jaxton Huxley. The man I can never seem to get away from, no matter how much I try to avoid him. He seems to always appear when I least expect it.

"Now, if you could get the FUCK out of my way. It would be very much appreciated," I give him one of those fake smiles.

"Or? How about this? NO," he advances towards me and I stumble back, nearly tripping over my own feet. "Maybe, if you beg me. Maybe then I will."

I scowl, looking up at him. "Fuck you, Jaxton." I push him away from me and make my way upstairs.

"Oh, bunny. When I do. You will definitely beg for more," he whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

Shaking off his words, I made my way upstairs, pretending I didn't hear him. I walk into one of the rooms and my heart drops. What I see, what I feel. I couldn't believe my eyes.

A girl in a

"Babe. Wait," Liam calls after me, pushing the girl off of him. "Let me explain."

What the hell is there for him to explain. Why he was sleeping with another girl when he left me downstairs? And the worst part, everyone knew.

Running down the steps, tears prick at my eyes as I push past everyone. They looked at me with stupid smiles on their faces, or with the look of pity. Humiliation, hurt, betrayal. All of those feelings turn in my stomach.

I make my way out of the house and let the tears fall as I walk down the driveway.

"Carmen. Babe. Please. Talk to me," Liam pulls on my hand and spins me around. I look at him and all I can see now is the guy who fucking cheated on me. Fucked another girl in the same house that I was in.

I pull my hand away from him. The same hand that was on another girl just seconds ago. "Explain what, Liam? The reason why you were another girl when I was waiting for you. The reason why you were even with me when you obviously don't want to be. The reason why you are such a fucking asshole that you brought your girlfriend to a party where everyone knew you were cheating on me at?

"Go fuck yourself. We are so done. You broke my heart Liam. I gave you everything. Every part of me for two years. I knew there was something going on with you, but I pushed past it. All those times you would disappear, I would tell myself that there was no way you would be cheating on me. Boy, was I wrong." Lifting my hand, I smack him as hard as I can. "We are done."

I hear murmurs behind us and I look behind him to see people piling outside. I scoff as I turn and walk away. He doesn't do anything. I hear his friends cheering for him, those fucktards and their dumb ass brains.

The tears return as I make my way down the street. The cold October wind blows at me and I didn't grab a jacket since I was planning on riding back with Liam. My short dress is not helping the situation and I rip off the devil horned headband.

I walk down an alley, not even knowing where the hell I am going. I didn't pay attention to where we were going and to make matters worse, my phone is dead. I can't even call an Uber to get home. So what the hell am I going to do?

As I walk down the alley, I notice a group of guys walk by. Please don't look here. Please don't look here. Please don't look here. I pray to myself to make my steps as soft as I can.

They pass by and the last guy looks in my direction and I turn around, trying to make it not look like I'm freaking out. He whistles to his friends and I hear them all shuffle backwards. I can feel all of their gazes fall on me but I continue walking with my head high.

"Hey baby," one of the guys shout. "It's cold out, why don't you come with us so we can keep you company."

I shudder, but look behind and plant a smile on my face. "No thank you." I wave and continue walking. I can hear their steps behind me. My face falls as I slowly start to walk a bit faster. These fucking heels were keep digging in the dirt and slowing me down.

The three men quickly surround me. Trapping me in.

"Oh come on baby. Let's just have a little fun," another one of them looks at me with hungry eyes. My heart drops even more.

"Well take care of you. If you take care of us."

"We'll keep you warm."

They all keep throwing in more words as they close the circle. Every time I turn, I am met with a new face.

"Please," I beg. "My friends are waiting for me. I really have to get going," I lie.

"Oh, we'll be your friends sweetie," one of them approaches me as he touches his crotch. "Just help me out with a little problem I'm having and then we'll help you."

One of them puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into them. My back hits their chest and I inhale deeply.

"Please. I- I really need to go," I pull away but he keeps me in place, wrapping his arms around me and trapping me in.

"You're not going anywhere baby, so just enjoy," he nibbles my ear and I shiver. I try to move but his hold on me tightens.

Another man comes up in front of us and pulls the straps of my dress down and reveals my bra. I let out a cry but another one just smacks his hand over my face.

"Hurry, I want my turn already."

Suddenly, a bright light shines on us and I bite the guy's hand. He pulls his hand away and I start screaming.

The one who has his hands wrapped around me quickly covers my mouth while the one in front of me turns to face the car. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE. JUST KEEP MOVING," he shouts at the car, keeping his hand on my bra.

The car speeds forward and the men let me go. I hear something go off and the men start running. I feel myself being pushed into the wall and then I blank out.

"Carmen. Carmen?"

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