.•°We'll Meet Again°•.

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TW; abuse
~Tubbo POV~

My clock went off, I rolled over and turned it of. Someone knocked on my door and I sat up. "Who is it?"

"It's Dream, Tubbo." I smiled and got up "You can come in." I assured, he opens the door, all formal as always. "Hey little bro." he calmly says and walks over to me.

"Mom and dad have food done down in the dining area, they also want to speak to us." he insisted, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and he leaves the room.

I go into the bathroom, I brush my hair and my teeth, I pick out a formal outfit. What do you expect? I live in a castle.

I hurried down the castle stairs and into the dining room. Dream sat down and patted the seat next to him. I sat down.

"Toby, Clay." father murmured, clearing his throat. We turned his attention to him, including mum, I pick at my food.

"Clay, you're 18 now. You will take the throne when I die. And you have to choose a bridesmaid."  he announced, Dream huffed and also started to pick at his food also.

Mother looked at Dream for a while, upset that he was. We sat in uncomfortable silence which seemed like forever.

I spoke up "Am I allowed to go into the forest today? I love sitting near the lake." I asked, father slammed the table "You are not allowed to communicate with the other castle." he demanded, slamming the table again. I just nod, terrified.

Mother cupped her hands around fathers "Schlatt, honey... You need to calm down." he just nods and lets go of her hands.

I finish eating and stand up, mother clears her throat and I look at her. "Remember Toby, coat please. I don't want you to get a cold sweetie." she begged. I nod and leave the dining room.

I grabbed a coat, putting it on, and opened the door entrance and I leave out it. I breathe in the air. It was nice being out here once in a while. I head through the village to a shortcut.

I wave to some of the villagers and then take the route to the forest. I loved nature, especially bees. I'm good with them, they never decide to hurt me.

It's like I'm a King of the bees, I snicker. I run near the lake, pushing past weeds to get there. When I did, I saw a tree move from the bottom. I looked up and saw the other castle.

Of course I mean, the lake is in between the two castles. I sat down on the log and admired the flowers, bees hummed over them. I had completely spaced out until I heard someone sit down, I look to who it was.

We looked at each other, staring in shock. "Prince Toby...?" he murmured, I smiled "You must be Prince Ranboo, name unknown huh? Parents keep it a secret?" I ask, he nods and laughs "Yeah..." he said. I smile "Y'know we really shouldn't be speaking to each other, but you seem cool so it's whatever."

He chuckles "You're cool too, Prince Toby" He fancies my name at the end. I giggle "You can call me Tubbo, it's what my brother calls me." he nods and smiles "I don't have any siblings" he shrugged.

"Good, they're horrible, especially Dream." I joked "Let me guess, that's Clay's nickname?" he asks and I nod. "It's because EVERY girl his age thinks he's dreamy, or something. So it just settled in me to call him Dream."

Ranboo was staring at the glowing blue water. I see he found a flower that caught his eye and he picked it. "What flower is that?" I stared at its beautiful purple colors. "It's an allium!" he happily says, staring at it for a moment.

Then he turns to me and holds his arm out. "Here, you can have it!" I blush a tint of pink, for what reason? I take it anyways and I smile at him.

Suddenly, I hugged him. Ranboo seemed to be taken aback when I did it but hugged me back. I smiled wider. I backed up and he started talking about his own village, it seemed great over there.

That's when I finally decided to take in his features, he had multicolored eyes. One was green and the other was a brownish red color, that was a pretty feature of his. He wore a have white half black mask that had also complimented his eyes. His dirty blonde hair was swooped to the right side of his face.

I noticed that Ranboo wears natural clothes, man wish I had that. I heard a snap from him and I realized I've been staring at him for a while.

We sat in silence, but I felt comfortable. The silence with him was... different. "Hey, father would never tell me who rules the land in your kingdom. Who is it?" I blurted.

Ranboo smiled "XD, he's my father's brother before he had died." I widen my eyes "Isn't XD a god?!" I blurted, and inched closer to his face, obviously I was curious. He turned a shade of pink and his shoulder tensed, but he didn't inch away.

I noticed and backed up and mouthed 'Sorry'. Ranboo answered "You're fine, and kinda he is? People never really saw my father as a god. So they don't see XD as one. He just looks like one." he stated, I smiled.

Time had past and we were talking. At one point we touched hands, on accident obviously. We both laughed about it but we kept it there. Soon enough it was a sunset, I was laying my head on his shoulder.

The comfortable silence rung in my ears, I felt safe. Until I heard leaves moving. We both heard it and we stared at where it was coming from.

XD had walked through, holding his hands and magically walking towards us.

He seemed calmed "Spending time with the prince from the enemy castle, huh?" his voice echoed, but he was still very calm. I looked at Ranboo, he looked nervous.

XD looked at me and I got shivers and I sat up, off of Ranboo's shoulder. "You're fine, I'm not going to hurt you. You aren't like your father." he straightened his back and still stared at me.

XD held out a hand, offering me to shake it. I did so anyway, pretty shaken up. He chuckled "I'm only after your father." he claims and turns to walk away but I stop him. "Why...?" I ask, he turns around swiftly. "He killed my brother." he mutters and steps away, but stops again and turns his head.

"You two can keep meeting up, but if Schlatt finds out, I'm not afraid to hurt him." XD finally leaves. I get up "I should leave." Ranboo frowns, I somehow could tell.

He gets up and hugs me "Promise you'll come back?" I hug him back "Yeah of course, you're my friend after all!"

Ranboo backs up and smiles. He turns around and makes his way home. I do the same.

I walk back through the village and wave to the Guards and head into the castle. Surprise surprise, as I close the door, father is standing right behind it.

He grabs me by the collar "Why were you out for so long?!" he snarled. I slap his hand "Let me go you-you... you idiot!" I blurted and I was thrown to the floor. Mum ran into the room, Dream following from behind.

"Tubbo!" Dream screamed, tears formed his eyes. "Schlatt! Don't put your hands on him!" Mother ran to him and slapped him. "Puffy, stay out of it you disrespectful woman!"

Dream ran to me and helped me up, I stood up and he hugged me. "I'm only 'disrespectful' because you do this to our children!" she argued, he put his hand up and she flinched. Then father put his arm down.

"He's was out with the enemy castle!" he exclaimed, Dream stared at me. Puffy's eyes widened, but she wasn't mad at me.

"I was not! I promise father! I was hanging with Tommy!" he looked at me, and huffed. "Fine, I believe you." he let out a sigh. I sighed in relief, we heard a bell ring and we headed to the dining hall and we sat down and started eating, we didn't speak.

I finished eating and got up and was about to leave, Dream grabbed my hand as mother and father were talking. I came closer and he whispered in my ear "I want to talk to you, in your room, fathers going to talk to me for a while. I'll be up in a minute, okay?" I nod and he lets go and I leave.

I head up the castle stairs and walk down the corridor and open the bathroom, I head over to the shower. I hop into it after getting all of that stupid formal outfit off. I think for a while, about him.

It was nice to finally meet Ranboo, and XD of course. Although XD was mortifyingly terrifying. At least he didn't kill me.

Honestly, that wasn't the important thing I thought about. All of it was just...him? Why was it all him? I don't like him, of course.

...or am I lying to myself.

We'll Meet Again // BeeDuo Royal AU<3Where stories live. Discover now