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No warnings!

~Tommy POV~

I wandered around the dim forest, snow falling from each tree. I saw Tubbo in the distance near the lake that had frozen over. Crouched and staring at the last remaining daisy that the sun shown on. I walked over to Tubbo and he looked at me.

"I wonder how it made it this far." Tubbo spoke up. "It's a miracle." I muttered. Tubbo smiled as he held the petals of the flowers in his hand. Tubbo stands up letting go of the petals, looking up at his castle he once grew up in.

"It'll be time." Tubbo muttered. All was silent, the world was silent all though from all the birds chirping.

~Time skip~

~Ranboo POV~

Tubbo told me to meet up with him, saying that he wanted to show me "a miracle" I honestly wondered what it was that he thought was so fascinating.

I walked throughout the forest, humming to myself as I got closer to the lake. Then hearing little footsteps, roam closer and closer, as if it was running.

I turned around, I saw a tiny figure in the distance, someone running behind the tiny figure.

"Hey! Come back, I'm not going to hurt you!" I heard Sapnaps voice ring throughout the trail, the tiny figure ran from out of the darkness and my eyes widened.

It was a tiny zombie piglin, that ran out and clung to my leg. I looked up at Sapnap who looked out of breath. He had a hood on, but a crown shown under his hood. I stared at his crown and he realized.

"Great, you found out." he clears his throat. "Aren't the zombie piglins from... the nether?" I ask, he nods.

"Yes, and that's where I'm from, Prince Ranboo." he replied, my mouth dropped. The piglin beneath me squeezed my left leg.

He looked up at me so I picked him up, him letting me. I smiled at him, he looked a little happy then before. I held him in my arms and I looked at Sapnap.

"Does he have a family?" I ask Sapnap. "No, he's an orphan. He was abandoned and I was just trying to help him back to the nether. It looks like he found another parent." Sapnap replies, smirking at me, putting something in his bag that hung by his side.

I laugh, the piglin started nuzzling my chest, falling asleep, I must be warm. "I'll take him with me, he'll be alright!" I tell him, Sapnap nods. "Alright then, take care Prince Ranboo."

"You too, Prince Sapnap." I snicker, Sapnap laughs, waving and then walking back into the forest.

I turn around with the piglin in my arm, who's head was underneath my chin. I start walking towards the frozen lake.

I push past leaves with snow on them, I see Tubbo and Tommy in the distance. They saw me too, I walked closer to them.

Tubbo was first to realize the piglin, Tommy looked away after I got closer, looking at something in the trees. "Is that a Zombie Piglin?!" Tubbo exclaims, walking closer to me and petting the sleeping piglin.

I laugh and he smiles up at me "I thought these were only in the nether!" Tubbo says. Tommy finally turned around "The nether is just a fairyta—" he realizes the zombie piglin in my arms.

"Nevermind." Tommy mutters, he goes back to staring at that one tree. I was about to say something about him doing so, but Tubbo spoke up right as I opened my mouth.

"Can you and me keep him?! Like a son!" Tubbo asks, I smile at him. Extending an arm to pat his head, in between his horns "Of course, he seems to like me and I think he'd really like you." I reply.

"Oh my— we should name him!" Tubbo says excitedly. We gave each other a look.

"Michael." we say synchronized, we both laugh. "I knew that would come in handy, huh Tubbo?" I ask him, winking at him jokingly.

He laughs in return, "Fine, I guess your stupid names come in handy." Tubbo jokingly says.

"They are not stupid!" I chuckle, Tubbo smiles at me.

"Anyway, what is it you wanted to show me?" I question, Tubbo points down to a daisy that is making it through the cold winter.

"Huh, I guess miracles do happen." I laugh.

A/N; Short chapter, already in the making of the 6th chapter. Heres your Michael chapter<3 Merry Christmas! -ShadoxVal

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