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"So did you get in?"

"Ofcours I did my dear dEar brother y/n! I'm very upset for you thinking I wont get in this school" as yuji looks at me I raised a brow deadpanned

"I'm even more surprised that you managed to come this far yuji."

Yuji sulked as he buried his face on my stomach then he wrapped his arms around my waist, laying on me.

"You should sleep. You tomorrow have...well WE tomorrow have school.... unfortunately." Frown in distate.

Yuji beamed at me as he said "it's alright brother! I'll protect you with the best I can"

I shook my head as I sigh "not that. But more like...everytime you say 'it's okay brother! I'll protect you!' we ALWAYS end up in some shitty trouble because you're curious."

"To be curious is a good trait!"

"'The curiousness killed the cat'. Have you ever heard about this?"

"Yea, somewhere...but who cares?" As yuji said that he tightened his hold around me making me sigh in disappointment.

"Go to sleep." I say as I close my eyes drifting off "well you're no fun." He replied "one more word and I'm gonna let you sleep on the floor yuji." Just as I said that he was fast asleep.

"Alright! We're going to have the fourth student of the first year! How exciting this is!" Said Gojo

"Ugh...more students.." y/n said in distate.

"The more the merrier right brother?" Yuji asked as he hugged y/n "no." Y/n replied with a frown "awe Don't be like that! It's gonna be fine!"

"What do you think about me being your model? You want a model right?" An orange short haired girl said to an old man as he replied "uh..I am busy I have to go.." just as he said that he hurried off somewhere avoiding the girl as she yelled at him to come back.

After he ran she gave up on stopping him and looked around to see a hyper pink haired boy waving at her wearing some stupid glasses..'Rookie?' as he was eating some popcorn
She went there "well look at that I'm the flower of this happy group." She said proudly.

"I'm kugisaki nobara. The only girl here it seems.."

'they look like a bunch of idiots.'

•After the introduction•

Nobara sighed as she said " I'm not very fortunate with my environment, huh" yup ..nobara was not happy

"Where are we going next sensei?" Megumi asked gojo as he replied giggling "I've finally gathered my four students, And on top of that, three of my students are from the countryside, ofcours we're going site seeing in Tokyo!" He said grinning making me cring while megumi....not liking this idea...or not believing it?

Well on the other side yuji and nobara were very happy 'bout it.
No..not me or megumi is likin' it.

Welp that aside the two happy go lucky started saying were they wanted to go.

"Well I decided! We're going to....Ro- ppo- ngi!"

The two were so excited that they gasped and repeated after him.

Yea that's definitely not roppongi.

"You liar!"

"You lied to us!"


Megumi then started "there are curses here aren't there?" While looking at the old looking building

"There's a huge cementery, you know. Which means there is a curse outbreak there and in an abandoned building too." Replied gojo

"I'm guessing they are easy to come out of a gravesite?" Guessed yuji as I nodded lazily as megumi replied

"It's not a gravesite, it's with the mindset of people who thinks gravesites are scary."

Y/n quirked a brow at this and said "but it's not scary?"

"Brother..darling, you never find anything scary baby and that's why I look up to you so much." He said as he wiped away a fake tear then hugged me from behind

"You say that so much yuji that I'm starting to think you're lying "

Gasping yuji replied "how dare you tho! How could you suspect me!"

"No..I'm not." Replied y/n as he was sweating exhausted of dealing with his brother's shit. 'i just wanna go back relax as I hear some music..is that a bad thing?'
Making gojo chuckle as nobara was confused she said "hold on a second, this two guys doesn't know such things?" She pointed at yuji

"The truth is, this one"

Megumi replied pointing at yuji

"He swallowed the cursed charm."

"Uh...W-why are we pointing fingers at each other now?" Yuji asked nervously making me shake and sighing my head in disappointment

Nobara almost not believing what megumi said she stepped back crossing her arms saying or much like yelling "No way!! That's nasty!! Unsanitary!!"

"What did you say!?" Yuji said angrily as he let go of his brother

"I feel the same." Agreed megumi with nobara offending yuji

"What!?" Yuji yelled as he looked at you and asked "you feel the same too..?"

"No.." y/n replied lying through his teeth.

"Why ofcours you don't! Well if brother doesn't agree then I don't care about what you say!" He grinned as he hugged y/n closely

"Are you sure he's y/n's brother not some obsessed weirdo?" Nobara whispered to gojo and megumi
As they replied "unfortunately no."

"Y/n looks stressed." Nobara said

"Yuji is alot to handle. He is like 4 hyper kids in one body." Megumi Replied making gojo nod

"Don't agree gojo sensei. You shouldn't be agreeing. You're worse." Offending the said teacher.

•after this whole thing +sorry okay? I'm just fucking lazy...and uh...I have a math exam actually. And I'm so tired and sleepy and well...no more excuses:)+ •

"Y/n...?" Asked yuji as he was laying on too of his brother hugging him tightly as y/n hummed in reply

"What do you think of the fairy tales...?" Asked yuji.

After good 5 mins of silence y/n finally replied "fairy tales...are more than true dearie."

"Is it because they tell us that dragons exist..?" Making y/n shake his head chuckling

"No, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

"Y/n is not the kind of guy to be out off by a sign of danger. No, he is the kind of guy who faces challenges with bravery, intelligence and a lot of determination. So I trust him . I love him too. He's the best anyone could ask for. He's kind...nice, helpful when you need him."
"Ofcours he has his bad sides too! His extreme anger issues or that he is ignorant. He lies alot! And he acts like a bitch to everyone... mostly? And alot of bad other things. But still I'd rather be with him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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