@PenpalGrl Xmas '21

12 2 6

Wow, what a year!

We started high school

But did not we fear

We realized we aren't cool

We've had our tales

We've had our tears

We've lifted our ails

We had each other all through the year

We've grown, we've laughed,

We've cried, and we've passed,

No longer are troubles and trifles in our paths

We're each other's other halves

It's been, Alex and Bailey

We see each other almost daily

Together forever, hand in hand

I love you, my comrade

Oops, I mean bestie

To all, we know we're a treat

So here's to us, Baylie and Alex, for another great year! 

My Favourite Memories Of Us:

1.  When we ate a whole pizza between us

2.  Then ate almost a whole pan of brownies

3.  When we went to FatCats to forget H.C.

4.  Underclassmen party

5.  When we played uke together

6.  The day we binged LOKI

7. Our 1st day of high school

8. When we made cookies together (leftovers galore!)

9.  Being an idiot with you 

10. When we saw Free Guy together

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