twenty two

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Okay, so maybe telling Maggie about Harry and I is freaking me out. I've never had to introduce my daughter to a boyfriend before because it was never something I was interested in. Maggie was my focus and dating was last on my list of things to do.

Not to mention that she already knows who Harry is. She already has a student-principal relationship with him. Yes, it's a positive one which I'm so thankful for, but I have no idea how she'll react to seeing us together and spending more time with him.

There's also the fact that she sees him more than I do. She spends about seven hours of her day in his presence and that could be a lot for her. And I know Harry cares about her, which could result in some favoritism which is the last thing I want.

Harry and I talked some more about all of this last night before he left and planned out what to do and say. I vocalized a lot of my concerns surrounding the relationship, especially with Maggie and he agreed that he'll have to keep his personal life separate from his private life, no matter how hard it gets.

I picked up Maggie this morning after doing a little bit of Christmas shopping for her. Partially because if things go wrong I can give her a toy and hope for the best. I hope things don't go wrong though, because I want a relationship with Harry more than anything. But if Maggie doesn't like it or it makes her uncomfortable, she has to come first.

We agreed that if telling her at home went well, Harry would come over and we would talk a little more before going to get ice cream. God I hope this goes well.

I quickly send a text to Harry, letting him know that I'm gonna tell Maggie now, before peaking my head into her room. "Hey Mags, mind coming down to the living room with me for a little bit? I want to talk to you about something?"

Maggie looks up from her dolls, nodding as she puts her dolls down, grabs Mr. Snuggles, and follows me downstairs to the living room. I sit on the couch with her and smile, tucking her hair behind her ear gently.

"What is it mommy?"

Here goes nothing. "You know mommy and daddy aren't together, right? Daddy lives in his own house and does whatever he wants, and we live here and I get to do whatever I want for the most part too, right?"

She nods, sitting criss-cross on the couch. She holds Mr. Snuggles in her lap, looking up at me with those curious brown eyes. "I know mommy."

"Well, sometimes when mommies and daddies aren't together, they see other people. Like sometimes daddy has a girlfriend, you remember that?"

She nods, "I remember. She was mean."

"Yeah she was." I scrunch my nose up to her. "You know I love you very much, and you always take up one hundred percent of my heart right, lovebug? Because you do. I always want you to be so happy and feel so loved."

She smiles big, nodding her head. "I love you very much too, mommy. You take up one hundred percent of my heart!"

God I could fucking cry at how sweet my daughter is. But I will away the tears and sigh softly. "Sometimes mommy feels lonely though."

Maggie pouts, "Why?"

"Because grown-ups sometimes like to have grown-up friends that they can talk to and be best friends with."

"Like Auntie Jordan?" She tilts her head to the side, her tiny hands fidgeting with Mr. Snuggles.

"Not exactly. Like a special best friend. Daddy's girlfriend was his special best friend. And when Daddy and I were dating and he was my boyfriend we were special best friends. Kinda like that."

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