thirty eight

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The amount of fundraising this school does for the teachers and to raise funds to upgrade things around the school is insane. There's always a little fundraiser going on either in the school or around the community. The kids always get super involved and Harry likes to go and support the fundraisers. Maggie and I have gone a few times with him, but he's always talking about a new one.

Tonight though, is the big school fundraiser. It's at some catering hall and it's super formal. Harry was explaining to me how it's mainly to raise funding for the upcoming school year so they could have the resources to continue offering placement to children in underserved communities and accommodate their transportation, as well as so they could continue to offer services to kids who need them. He started this fundraising gala since being able to cater to those students is really important to him.

There's supposed to be drinks and raffles and he claims the food is amazing every year, but I'm just excited that we get to spend a night out together surrounded by grown ups. We both love Maggie with all of our hearts, but it's nice to get away from kids.

Jordan's watching her for us tonight, and I know she has a bunch of things planned for them to do. Thankfully the house is mostly in order. We've spent the last three weeks unpacking and finding new homes for things that we've brought from our houses. This was my first time really seeing everything Harry had packed from his place and I will say, he has a lot of books on child development and education.

Now that everything's pretty much put away, life is starting to fall into place. It's just so nice having everyone under one roof. No more worrying about having to do bedtime without Harry because he had to spend the night at his place or having my mom pick up Maggie and stay with her at home every day.

For the most part Maggie stays with Harry at the school until they come home. She's still in that after school program and in her dance classes, and I've never seen a kid thrive as much as Maggie is. She's just excelling in everything she does, and she seems to have only gotten better the more Harry has come into the picture. I'm sure it's the stability in the home and being able to worry a lot less about Reese. Harry could probably explain that to me.

I can't even remember the last time I got all dressed up like this. I'm always too busy to do full makeup and hair, plus Harry and I really just like doing casual dates. But I figured since this gala thing seems really important to him then I'll go all out. Hopefully I don't twist my ankle in the heels I picked out.

Harry looks handsome though. He went down to talk to Jordan and hang out with Maggie before we leave, but I saw him getting ready and he just looks amazing in a suit. Usually he's always in a sweater vest, and I've seen him dress formally a handful of times for board meetings but it's always weird to see him like that.

Once I'm happy with how I look, I finally head down the stairs. Sometimes when I'm walking down the halls I wonder how this is my house. We just started putting pictures up and sometimes I find myself standing in the hallway, smiling at the pictures of Harry, Maggie and I together. It just still feels so surreal that we own it and we live here. I don't think I'll ever get used to living with such an amazing man who treats me and my daughter so beautifully. I don't know I got so lucky to be with him.

"Wow Q, you look great!" Jordan comments first as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

My eyes roll and I shake my head. "Please, I'm fine without the compliments." I assure her, but Harry wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side to kiss the side of my head. "Too bad, we're complimenting you. And you look beautiful."

I thank him, turning my head to peck his lips quickly. Maggie's in the living room with Nugget, putting clips in his fur and giggling to herself. I know Jordan promised to do a salon night with her and do her hair and maybe some makeup before bathtime. She offered to do Maggie's nails, but she politely declined, saying that she'll wait for Sunday. Harry paints her nails now on Sundays, and she paints his. It's pretty damn cute if I do say so myself.

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