forty four

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Quinn's standing across the backyard, talking and laughing with some of the mums of the kids who are running in and out of the pool. She looks so beautiful today, wearing a flowy dress to hide the small bump that's been growing lately. She's definitely starting to pop now, and I just love it so much.

I'll admit, it feels a bit awkward for me today. I was just hosting a graduation ceremony for all these kids that are at my house, and now I'm just supposed to hang out with the dads and pretend I'm just one of them. And there's definitely an aura around the dads where they know I'm not really Maggie's dad, but they also just don't know the relationship Maggie and I have, or that I'm gonna be a dad by the new year.

Quinn has been checking up on me throughout the little party, making sure I'm doing okay. Thankfully Renee's husband Nate and Claire's husband Patrick know me pretty well and I'm able to talk to them more and feel comfortable. Plus Mitch and Sarah stopped by with Carter their son, and Luke is here with Jordan. But I'm trying to establish myself as Maggie's dad and not just the principal of the school our kids go to.

I'm not a big sports guy. Mitch and I watch football here and there, and maybe we'll catch the occasional baseball game, but I don't actively keep up with sports like these guys do. Quinn always teases me about how I'd rather curl up on the couch with her and watch a documentary about something silly with her, or read a book with my old man glasses on. I always tease her because she stress bakes and tries to get me to help her while I'm reading.

So I just stand cluelessly, holding a beer while the guys all talk about some sports game they were watching. Even Luke knows about this stuff and he's a doctor who's like constantly on call. How the hell am I the weird one? Then again I'm the only European here, so I didn't grow up the same way they all did.

Thankfully, Maggie calls for my attention, saving me before someone asks me what I think about the topic. I excuse myself and walk over to Maggie with a big smile. "Look at you, bunny! You're having fun, huh?"

She's been in and out of the pool since we got home from the graduation, and she'll probably stay in there for another few hours. I've already been requested to join them, but I might wait until there are less kids. The parents might feel weird about me being the principal, but the kids love it. Somehow they got Nugget into the pool, which I know Quinn is not too happy about. He's gonna have to come out soon so he could start to dry off.

"Yeah daddy! So much fun! Can Willa sleep over tonight? I can ask her mom!" She asks, very excited. At this point almost every Friday night into Saturday those two have a sleepover, so I'm sure it won't be a problem.

"I will talk to Willa's mom, you go have fun, Mags." I smile, kissing her head before she runs back to jump into the pool. I watch as she swims over to Willa, and the girls just look so excited as Maggie probably tells her I'm gonna ask her mum.

Turning over to where all the mums are standing, I walk over, sneaking in behind Quinn. I press a quick kiss to the back of her head and lean down into her ear. "Are you okay with Willa sleeping over?" I mumble, wanting to get her approval first before I ask Renee. Of course, Quinn nods and leans back against me. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close with a hint of a smile.

"Hey, Renee. The girls are plotting again, and Willa wants to sleep over if that's okay with you. We have clothes here she could borrow."

Renee smiles, "Well if you guys are alright with that then it's a plan."

"Awesome, I'll let the girls know when they're out of the pool for cake. Does anyone need anything?" I ask, mostly just to check in on Quinn.

There are small murmurs among the mums that they're good and don't need anything, but of course Quinn looks at me, "Can you get me some candy from inside?"

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