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Spain left this morning, and Bella can't come for three days because of some big thing she's doing in her country, so I'm alone for a while.

This morning was depressing, I watched him finish loading up his boat before he came to say goodbye, I asked him not to go, I honestly did, I didn't even call him Bastard today, but he just hugged me tight and told me He really had to, so I kissed him, I'll admit to reading some romance novels, and when someone went away like this, they almost never come back, so I might as well, he tasted like tomatoes and chocolate, which are a weird combination.

Diary, I'm bored and lonely, he's only been gone a day and I've already watched most of his movies, he has a lot of chick flicks and sappy romances, but believe it or not, I think I need that right now.

I'm still technically really young, but I know I at least like Antonio, and to a kid, that's about as good as it gets without being creepy, right?

God I hate this, first Sunny and now Spain, next you're going to tell me I'll never see Feli again either...please don't, don't say that diary, never.

Down Southحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن