Fifty One

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Buon San Valentino Diary, sorry I haven't written to you in a few months, it's very busy in the cafe, we're closed today though and I'm going to meet Lovi for a date in just a few minutes.

Diary, would you believe me if I told you that HE asked ME out? on the very same day that I was going to ask him out!

I know that he's human now, and he'll grow old without me and one day he'll die again, but I'll make sure there are many, many, many years before that and I want to be with him for all of them, Feli too, and Ludwig and Bella and Gil and Francis, we'll make sure he's never alone, and who knows, if I "accidentally leave out some of the paintings and photos from when he was little, maybe he'll remember, as it is he still talks about how he was supposed to have two brothers, but he never met them, and he swears he dreams about pirates....what a funny boy ;)

this is your last page diary, you're full of scribblings of my Roma and now me, you've seen it all diary, maybe if i find a spare sheet, I'll tell what happened when I had to leave Roma behind as a child, just maybe...

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