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Hola Diary, see here I stuck an extra page in your back cover, I'm going to write about a few years ago, it won't be easy to write, i don't remember much and the parts I do remember, I'm not proud of, but I'll try to make sense.

When I left I was really only intending to sail around and do trade with China, I was quite fond of his spices, It was about a week into the trip and I had this dream, this horrible dream, England had taken Roma from me and was humiliating and torturing him, he held a knife to my dear Roma's throat and challenged me to come get him, but with every step I took, a new cut appeared on his scarred skin and before i was two steps away, his dress had turned red and he stopped moving, I couldn't take it.

I must have woken up at some point because the next thing I knew we were turning around and heading straight for England, he came out to meet us in his ship and blasted us to the bottom of the ocean, I'm surprised I, even as a nation, survived it.

I washed up in...Papau New Guinea? I'm not sure, I couldn't remember a lot I just new I was furious and I had to find and protect...Someone.

Papua found me and looked after me for a while, and I ended up staying with her for a few years, I'd work and play with her people and at night I'd have dreams of a little kid in a red dress laughing or crying or hugging me, and I'd know them and they'd know me but when I'd wake up, all I could remember was that beautiful smile.

I spent about Five years there, almost got married a few times, and then Papau was cleaning out and she found my old clothes, she gave them back to me to get rid of and I was going to, but then I found a piece of paper in the pocket, It was really water damaged but I could see what it was with a little effort, It was an old print painting of a really young me and the kid from my dreams, I guess realizing he was real tweaked something and over the next few months I'd remember more and more, and then one day I just woke up and I was me again, it wasn't easy convincing her to give me a ship and let me go home but she eventually did.

The first thing I did when I got back was look for Roma, he'd grown up so handsome, just like his grandfather, but he didn't look happy, I hugged him and he flinched, it made me realize he may actually be unhappy to see me and i chickened out and ran.

a couple of days later I went back to him again, I tried to be casual and calm, but that's the basic gist of it Diary, I'd go into more detail but I can't write any smaller and the page is filled, Buonas Noches Diary, Lovi is calling me to go to bed xx

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