Chapter Six

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"Hey, are you okay? You've been quiet today." Cameron asked Dinah as they walked down the street the next day.

"Yeah. I just didn't sleep well."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Oh okay. Did you hear about Mr. Deisinger?"

"No, what happened?"

"They don't really know. I ran into Pat and Courtney at the school earlier and Pat said all he heard was Mr. Deisinger was found at the school and he got taken to the hospital for psychiatric care."

"That's horrible. I'm sorry, I know you really liked his class."

"He was a really good teacher. He actually encouraged me with my art a few days ago."


"This is going to sound kinda weird but I've been drawing Courtney."


"I know. I've been trying my hand at stills. I don't know how to explain it, I just...she's my inspiration. Mr. Deisinger thought I had found my muse. I showed the portraits to Courtney."

"What did she think?"

"I think she liked them."

"You think?"

"Well we went back to my place and I had shown her and I thought we were having a moment but her phone kept going off and she left."

Dinah cringed as she realized her and the rest of the team were the reason her phone was going off. "Sorry, that's my fault. We've been helping Pat with some things down at the garage and an emergency came up. If I had known she was with you, I wouldn't have texted her."

"It's fine. Do you think the portraits could've scared her off as well?"

"Cam, I've seen that girl write your name with hearts around it in her notebook. Trust me, she still likes you."

Dinah walked into the garage to the rest of the team and Pat talking.

"What's going on?"

"Artemis and Isaac know who we are." Rick said.

"What?!" Dinah asked.

"Isaac told me he knows we're the reason his mom is dead." Yolonda replied.

"And Artemis told me she knows we're why her parents are in jail." Beth added.

"We found out from Cameron earlier that Cindy is back in town and from the paintings we found that Mr. Deisinger did when Eclipso had him, she has the Black Diamond." Courtney said.

"So is she trying to form a new ISA? She told Isaac and Artemis we're the enemy to get them to join sides with her?"

"It looks like it." Pat said.

"So we need to find Cindy and stop her." Dinah said.

"If you kids want to go home and suit up and we can meet back here in an hour to come up with a game plan."

Dinah was getting ready to leave to head back to Pat's garage when she received a call from Courtney.

"Hey Courtney. What's up?"

"Di, Pat was attacked."


"We're pretty sure it was Artemis and Isaac. And that's not all. Cindy took Mike."

"That little-"

"I know. We're meeting them at the school cafeteria."

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