chapter 8

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Speaking of Estelle, both her and Aleu were now lost and didn't know of where they were. 

Aleu kept looking around. "Estelle, I'm sorry... I think I got us lost..."

"It's okay this is my first time out in the wilderness too, I just hope we find someplace nice and warm soon." Estelle said.

Aleu nodded as she looked around, trying to use her sense of smell. Even if she said she had hated him before she ran away, Aleu kind of wished her father were there with them. Estelle also looked around until she saw a cave.

"Let's go into that cave, it's the closest one to us." Estelle said while pointing to the cave.

Aleu looked to see it. "Come on then." She said, going with the human girl.

They both went inside to see it was dark.

"Well, at least it's warm in here." Estelle said as they looked around the cave.

Aleu nuzzled against her gently. "It's not that cold, just get used to it... Winter is among us."

"Yeah, I guess I will have to get used to it." Estelle said.

They then began to hear someone singing. Aleu nuzzled with Estelle to keep her warm and looked around, wondering where the music was coming from and who was singing.

"Let's follow the echoes and see where they lead to." Estelle said as she began to walk forward further into the cave.

Aleu heard them better and led the way over for Estelle for her to follow.

"It's getting louder, we must be getting closer." Estelle said as she followed Aleu.

Balto and Akito were going with Ingrid, however, they ran into troublesome wolverines. 

"You invade our territory," one wolverine snarled to them. "What do you want?"

"Only to pass through unharmed," Balto replied softly. "I'm looking for my daughter."

Ingrid stood there in soft silence, she was going to help protect Akito and Balto. She didn't want them to fail their mission to find Estelle and Aleu.

"And looking for my twin sister," Akito said. "So, please let us pass."

"They're looking for their sister and daughter." the lead wolverine laughed with his lackeys.

"Yes, and they are following the raven." Ingrid added sharply.

"Why not the fox?" one of the wolverines taunted Ingrid being raised by the fox from earlier. "Or did she outwit them?"

"Don't talk about my mother that way!" Ingrid seethed.

"Listen, we don't wanna fight you guys, we just wanna find his daughter and my sister." Akito said pointing to Balto.

"Tell me," one wolverine came toward them. "Are you afraid?"

"No!" Balto snapped.

"Are you sure?" the wolverine taunted.

"Yes, we're not afraid!" Akito snapped.

The wolverines came closer to them.

Ingrid sensed danger in this, not only that, but the fear. "They are afraid."

Akito and Balto looked at her for calling them out like that, but they were indeed getting afraid. A voice came into Balto's mind to let himself be afraid which would guide him and the others back home. Akito and Balto might not have realized it, but this would actually help them find Aleu and Estelle.

Aleu and Estelle's Wolf QuestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang