chapter 12

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Balto came with Akito and Estelle to shore, they could go home now, but the raven returned.

"What do you want now?" Akito asked.

The raven came to them and seemed familiar now. "Only the journey home, my son and his gifted human friends..."

Balto looked surprised. "Anui, you're my..."

The raven formed into the white wolf everyone knew and loved. Anui howled to them and disappeared before their eyes.

"Goodbye to you too, Mother..." Balto whispered sadly.

"Come on, Balto, let's get started on the journey back to Nome, I have a feeling we'll have a lot of walking to do." Akito said.

"Come on then." Balto said to them, then went along as the sun was about to rise.

Rosy was in her bedroom with Jenna on her bed, she held her dog as it was about to snow again and set winter into Nome. 

Mo was pacing around, she looked like a nervous wreck. "Oh, maybe this place is too dangerous to send them to... Maybe we should've stayed with my parents."

"Don't worry, they'll be back as soon as possible." Vincent said to his mother.

"I hope you're right..." Mo sighed a bit.

Jenna sighed, but then she looked to the window. "Wait, here they come!" she called, her tail wagging.

Rosy rushed to the window with Felicity once they heard that. "Balto, Akito, and Estelle are coming back!"

Atticus and Mo ran to the next window to see that Jenna was telling the truth as they saw Balto, Akito, and Estelle coming back. 

"They're back." Cherry actually had a small smile.

Balto ran with the twins and they smiled as they were greeted by a warm welcoming party. Along with warming hugs from all of them.

"Balto, where's Aleu?" Jenna asked her mate.

"I'm afraid Aleu is already home..." Balto told her with a small smile. "We'll see her when we see her though."

"Well, that's nice..." Cherry said. "You are all back in time to get back home."

Vincent hugged the twins. "I was so worried about you guys."

"It's okay, bro, we're okay." Akito said to Vincent, then looks to his father. "But, Dad, I think you need to tell us about your side of the family."

"Oh?" Atticus asked.

Mo looked curious, this sounded serious. 

Cherry knew and put her hand on Atticus's shoulder. "I think it's time for them to know..."

"You're right, Cherry." Atticus said.

"Go ahead..." Cherry stepped aside as she stood with Forte.

"Are you guys okay?" Rosy asked.

"This is important for the jumeaux." Felicity whispered to her for the twins to be alone.

Cherry picked Simon up and allowed Atticus to talk with Akito and Estelle about this.

"Atticus, Estelle, Vincent, you three are merpeople, because your mother and I are merpeople too, well your mother wasn't a mermaid until she was given the gift of being a mermaid." Atticus said.

"I'm a mermaid?" Vincent asked.

"Young merman," Mo corrected to her long-lost son. "But, yes... Your father gave me the gift to become one too since I was born a normal mortal... Well... Mostly normal, if you count living in a junkyard with six dogs..." 

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