how the fuck do i

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i hope you enjoy this half-assed nonsense, im gonna try and make it 500 words


   Henry. Covered in blood. Standing above a dead body. He seems proud of himself, giggling and mumbling over and over, your name. You stand behind him, trembling and afraid as you take a step back, cracking a fallen twig. You've been spotted. He snaps his neck behind him, smiling a twisted smile as he starts to approach you. You run, hearing the leaves crunch behind you and the small pants as you try and try to run, but you get tired. You can't go any farther. You start to black out, your vision fuzzing as you look up. Henry's in front of you, kneeled down. "Goodnight.~"


   You wake up in an unfamiliar setting. A bedroom, filled with pictures of you, and jars of weird objects. You can't get up. Zipties are restraining your hands to a bedpost. Your legs are free, but you can't yell for help, or you might get spotted. You try and rip your hands from the ties, cutting your wrists and wincing in pain. Henry walks in. "Oh, you poor thing. I see you tried to get out." He cleans up your wounds tenderly, but there's still something off. He's terrifying, a murderous, sadistic fuck with an obsession with only you.

   He kisses your cheek, brushing some hair from your face as he unties you, handing you some food. Soup and crackers. You eat hesitantly, but.. can't seem to find anything wrong with it. It seems okay, from what you can tell. You continue to eat, and eat, and eat, until it's gone. "I see you enjoyed my meal! Heheheheheh..." Henry seems to chuckle to himself, as if he did something magnificent. You start to feel sick to your stomach, as if something were rotten. You look back in your bowl, only to see...

   An eye. The eye from the dead body... You ate someone... You feel yourself ready to hurl, doubling over and trembling in fear. Henry pulls your face up, wiping your mouth and smiling a horrible, wretched smile. "You really enjoyed that. You didn't even realize it. It's a good way to get rid of a body..." You black out from fear, laying in Henry's arms. He picks you back up and sits you in bed, laying next to you and watching you sleep, petting your head gently.

   You wake up again, terrified as you see his face again. Its as if your stuck, with no escape. You see your wrists, all bandaged up. Your head feels light, and your stomach aches for something. More soup. Any type of food.  You ask him if you can get something from somewhere else outside. He agrees, as long as you don't run away. You stand up, put on some shoes, walk out of the door, and immediately start running for the nearest police department. You feel safe, finally. Everything's going to be okay.

And suddenly, you hear a gunshot. 
You've been shot.

so like, next chapter when im not feeling like shit because my friend called me pathetic, uhhh, _tangerineman i hope you enjoy this, and cya

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