Its okay now.

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hihi hey so yeah im back i guess
i have genuine writing ability now so have fun reading olangi (oliverxrandyxgingi) hurt/comfort
no object heads btw, just human heads for fun expressions
also i personally dislike abel so

It was so loud. So god damn loud. He couldn't escape, all he heard was yelling. Angry berating from Abel caused his eye to water, his hair covering his pathetic, quivering lip and his pitiful tears. He sniffled and covered his ears, making the mistake of letting out a loud, sharp whimper. He had something thrown at him. An envelope. It was his paycheck for the day. He picked it up-- Oh god, his hair was in his eye, no no, his tears were down his shirt, his shirt was wet, no no no, his body was wet now, it was so loud he couldn't see-- He flailed his hands, hitting his head with his hands, letting out high-pitched groans and yelps. Abel walked out, leaving him to fix himself and collect his money. Randy took deep breaths, clutching the now-soggy envelope and opening it. 50 cents. Great. He'd been docked down 25 cents for crying. God, why was he like this? Was he cursed, or was he born today? Or worse, cursed at birth? Maybe his mom really didn't like him.

Whatever the case was, he sucked it up and walked out of the ticket booth, back home. It was pouring rain, and dark. He was blind in one eye, si this would be much more than just a challenge. This was a fight to the death with Mother Nature herself. And Randy immediately lost. He slipped, hitting the ground and splashing into a puddle-- Oh god now he's even more wet, no, no, no-- Randy pushed himself off and started to flail his hands once more, crying even more than he already was as he tried to sit next to the fence and wipe himself up, trying to make things better. Thats what Gingi told him.


Randy was following Gingi's advice.

How did he stoop so low?


Oh who was he kidding, he is the point-blank definition of rock bottom. He wished he was paid at least a dollar for how many times he was mentioned in a dictionary. He probably could've copyrighted it by now.

But  the self loathing didn't exactly help him. But it did attract our favorite feral green trash lizard.

"Ran-man! ...Why are you crying."
"N-Nothing, Gingi."

Well, that was a bold faced lie. Even he had to admit that.

"Are you okay? Do you... want me to lick your tears up? Tasty Randal soup sounds nice."
"...Sure. Fine. I-I really couldn't care at this point."

And Gingi did. He literally licked Randals tears up. It oddly made Randy feel comfortable. Happy. His face was red hot, but it was so lovely. Gingi  kissed Randy on the lips, his tail wagging and his body wiggling. Ugh, Randy always thought that was weird. He held Gingi's hand, walking through the puddle field streets and using Gingi to balance. Gingi wrapped his tail around Randys leg. They finally got to the apartments, opening the door and revealing a worried-all-to-hell Oliver sitting on the couch, twiddling his fingers aimlessly. He stood up and grabbed Randy, absolutely freaking out.


His voice was so panicked, he was holding onto Randy. Randy wanted to cry, he was so upset. But, since he never was good at bottling emotion, he cried. He cried into Olivers shoulder and spilled his entire sob-story. From the yelling, to the panic attack, to the slip and fall and his second panic attack.

Oliver was fuming, but not more than Gingi was. Gingi growled, his spikes raising up. Randy diffused the anger by softly whimpering by accident. Oliver held onto him and rubbed his back, sitting him down on the couch and unbuttoning his shirt and his hoodie. He slid them off, feeling them drop with a thud. They were muddy and soaked. Randy shivered, covering his exposed chest with his blanket. Gingi gently wrapped his tail around Randal, laying his head against his forehead and smiling. Oliver came back in with a new hoodie and a black t-shirt with the words "I'm he's ->" on it. It was a silly shirt. He pulled it on, pulling his hoodie back on. Oliver brought Randy a cold hotdog on a bun with relish and mustard, and some Mountain Dew. Randy smiled and took a drink, biting into his hotdog happily.

"Thank you guys."
"Your welcome, Rad-ny!"
"You're welcome, swan wrangler."

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