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Qury blinked once, twice. The lights instantly blinded her and the pain in her head throbbed as she tried to push herself into a seated position.

"Fuck," she groaned holding her head in one hand as she looked around the unfamiliar bedroom. "Where the hell am I?"

Little flashbacks began to filter through her mind and most prominently she remembered fighting with Draken for sleeping with Lore again before storming out of the gangs mansion. She remembered walking the empty sidewalk to clear her mind when a black suv pulled up next to her; and a man with white hair and chaotic purple eyes got out with a gun.

"You're awake."

She jumped. Clenching her chest as her heart raced from being startled. She glanced at the corner of the room to see said man sitting in a chair reading a book. The way his eyes fixed upon her sent shivers down her spine and everything in her was telling her to run.

"You-" she started and then trailed off. "You kidnapped me."

He turned his head to the side as he watched her like a curious puppy. His large purple eyes examined her from head to toe, mapping out her body and lingering on her curves. Once his eyes met her brown ones he smirked. In seconds it was gone and his usually blank look was back. It happened so fast Qury swore she was seeing things.

"You're Draken's fiancé right?" He asked although he seemed to already know the answer. "I was hoping to snatch Mikey's firecracker of a wife but you'll do."

She tensed afraid to move from her position.

"You're Izana," she stated.

He nodded with praise as he leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, watching her intently to see if she would run.

She didn't.

"What are you going to do to me?"

He smirked, longer this time and she knew that she hadn't been mistaken earlier. He was naturally beautiful. His exotic features, the delicate tan to his skin, the way his bleach blonde nearly white hair hung in his face, and lastly his eyes. They were so vibrant and big, full of a dangerous curiosity, pain, and something else she couldn't quite grasped.

Qury gripped the sheets on the bed as she realized her breathing had become more haggard with time. She knew in this moment she should be afraid. He could torture her for information, kill her. Yet her brain was clouded and she wanted nothing more than to see his next move.

"What do you want me to do to you, Goddess?"

"Goddess?" She questioned though the name made her insides clenched.

"A beautiful young thing like yourself must be a goddess. You're way too good for the likes of Toman and Draken."

Her clenched fingers balled into fist at the mention of her fiancé. He was the last person she wanted to think about. He had hurt her for the last time!

"Sore spot huh?" He asked leaning forward, his elbows on his knees while his head lazily rested in his hands. "I can set you free from him."

She looked up to meet his eyes again, nearly getting lost in their depths.

"Just tell me what you want and I'll make it happen for you."

Qury was of course tempted. Getting back at Draken would feel amazing and watching him suffer at her hands might help her move on. She twirled the engagement ring on her finger as she thought about the man she loved.

Qury jumped as Izana's warm hands caressed her bare thigh under her skirt. She hadn't even heard him get up from the chair let alone approach her.

"He hurt you right?" He whispered sympathetically to her and she couldn't stop herself from nodding. "Let me help you get your revenge, Goddess."

His fingers dragged themselves slowly up and down her thigh before dipping in between her legs. Her thighs clenched around his hand and their eyes met again.

"No panties huh?" He asked eyeing her so intensely she looked away. He wiggled his fingers barely touching her slit and she bit her lip to hold in sounds threatening to slip away. "Wet already? You'll turn into a river when I finally get my fingers inside you."

She licked her lips deciding to take the plunge. She would never betray her sisters and brothers at Toman. But Draken, he was going to know how it felt for her to let another man inside her.

"I want to be free," she answered him.

An evil look of mischief shone in his eyes making her wonder if she was going to regret this.

His other hand slapped down on her bare thigh forcing her legs apart while he stepped in between them. He leaned down to her face forcing her to meet his gaze.

"Just tell me how to get close to Mikey and I'll set you free."

She breathed out shallowly as she realized, of course there would be a stipulation. Her mind had momentarily been blinded by lust and she had forgotten that this man was the enemy.

His scrutinizing gave sent chills down her spine as it felt as though he could see into her soul. Now she was feeling scared, now she wanted to run.

"Ah ah," he said pushing further between her legs and rubbing her clit with lazy circles. "You had your chance to run and you chose to stay Goddess."

Her mind was going hazy again with pleasure and she halfheartedly tried to push his hand away to no avail.

"I- I won't tell you anything."

He chuckled as his touch became harsher and he inserted two fingers inside her without pause or her permission. She moaned out and grabbed his shoulders trying to get away from him but his grip on her only tightened.

"I want to leave! I changed my mind!" She yelled at him.

His laugh only grew louder and uncontrollably hysteric at her resistance. He let go momentarily to pick up a phone from his pocket and quickly dialed a number. A small voice picked up on the other side after a few seconds.

"Tell him to meet me in the room."

That was all he said before he approached Qury who was retreating further and further up the bed. He grabbed ahold of her ankles and yanked her back towards him.

"Changed your mind huh?" He questioned as he gripped the front of her button down blouse and ripped it over causing buttons to pop everywhere. "Thats fucking hilarious," he said showing her that evil smirk again.

"Wh- what is?"

Her yank the rest of her shirt off and then pulled out a pocket knife, cutting her bra and skirt away and exposing her body to him.

"That you thought you actually had a choice."

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