Pick a Side

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Qury found herself naked, wrist bound with rope, and blindfolded as Izana made her walk through the halls of his gangs hideout. She could hear members whistling and making lewd comments at her whilst cheering on their boss. Her entire body was covered in chills and she could feel her cheeks warming from embarrassment.

"You look great Goddess. No need to feel ashamed," he whispered in her ear.

After another set of stairs they seemingly reached their destination as he stopped her before opening a door and then pushing her forward, closing it behind her. Abruptly he snatched the blindfold from her eyes and she blinked rapidly trying to adjust. She was in what looked to be an interrogation room. There was a sink, two way mirror, a metal table and chair, and a chain and hook hanging from the ceiling.

"So what's it going to be?" Izana asked her as he walked in a slow circle around her. "If my new partner comes in here he's going to be rough," he warned her. "I however-" he trailed off walking towards her and slowly placing a sweet kiss on her lips. "Will be gentle with you."

"As long as I give you information that'll hurt or kill the people I love," she sassed back.

He glared at her. His eyes going back to the wide, bored, expressionless look.

"So you have no intention of cooperating?"

"Hell no-"

Her words were cut off as the back of his hand swiped across her face making her head turn so hard she had almost fallen over.

Qury's breathing picked up again as she tried to maintain her balance. Her lip was stinging and she could feel blood pooling in her mouth. Without hesitation she turned and spit on him splattering his face and hair with her blood.

"Hot." He said offhandedly not even the least bit bothered.

He reached out and grabbed her neck yanking her towards him and smashing his lips brutally against hers. She tried her best to resist but his grip on her was firm and soon she found herself returning it.

"Fucking slut," he mumbled against her lips. "You want to get back at Draken so bad you'll fuck his enemy."

"Fuck you!" She yelled back at him.

"Yes, I think you will."

He grabbed her bounded hands and dragged her towards the table, slamming the front of her body on the cold metal making her yelp. He pressed her head down on one side and made sure her hands were above her head. Once satisfied he kneed her legs apart and started unbuckling his pants.

"Last chance beautiful. Tell me how to get close to Mikey or suffer the consequences."

She bit her aching lip and remained silent.

"You quiet cause you don't want to give up your friends? Or because deep down you want to feel my dick inside you?"

He chuckled when Qury didn't answer. She herself was confused by the turn of events. She wasn't going to give them up yet at the same time she absolutely wanted him to fuck her. She knew everything about this was wrong but her body was reacting in a way that told her it was right.

But Draken..

Fuck him!

She moaned out as he entered her without warning, not checking to see if she was ready or wet. She was both and they each groaned in pleasure as he easily stroked in and out of her.

"So this is what enemy pussy feels like," he said. His voice was still somehow controlled and unemotional. "I see why Draken's been fucking around."

She struggled beneath him anger coursing through her veins that he might be suggesting her pussy is no good.

He grabbed her curly hair and lift her head back far enough so he could look into her eyes as his erection slammed into her harshly.

"This is some good pussy," he spoke with a smirk. "Draken doesn't want you to realize the power you have between your legs. He's stinting your self esteem so you won't leave him."

Qury couldn't believe what he was saying but more than anything she wanted to believe him. Before her and Draken got together Qury exuded confidence. She could of had any man she wanted yet she didn't need or want one. It was one of the many things that had drawn her to him and she can't believe she didn't notice how he had dimmed her light since getting together.

"That's right get angry, fuck back into me," he said groaning as her hips began to grind back against him. "Forget Draken forget Toman they don't care about you. They won't make you feel as good as I will."

His movements became hectic and he wrapped his hand around her throat making her arch her back and lean against his chest.

"Now I'm second guessing it. Is your pussy great or is it my amazing dick that brings out the best in you!"

He was now yelling and squeezing her throat tighter. She looked up at him to see his pupils were wide and blown. He looked like a maniac and was laughing madly like he had completely lost his mind. This was a completely different man than before.

"Come to the dark side Qury Bing!" He yelled pounding into her harder, his nails digging into her neck. She screamed out in pleasure and pain her orgasm building quickly. "Let's take down Mikey and Draken together! Let's fucking destroy Toman!"

His laughter echoed around the room giving her goosebumps and sending chills down her spine. He was completely coming unhinged and she wanted to get as far away from him as possible. However, she could feel her orgasm pushing through her fear.

"Cum!" He demanded. "Cum if you're on my side little Goddess! Deceiving bitches don't get to experience the bliss I give them!"


Qury came and immediately the regret set in. She had been trying to force herself not to cum. She was not on his side regardless of what he had just said and now that she got her nut she was ready to take any opportunity to run. She wanted to hurt Draken but she didn't want to put herself in danger in the process.

"Fuck I'm cumming all over Draken's favorite toy!"

He slammed her head onto the table nearly knocking her unconscious. He tightly grabbed her hips and entered her harder again and again chasing his end. Then finally he pulled out and sprayed his cum all down her back and butt.

"You're welcome by the way. I made you even more beautiful with my cum."

His voice had taking on that calm and uninterested tone. She chanced a look back at him and was shook. His purple expressionless eyes bore onto hers calmly and he looked the complete opposite of himself a minute ago. The rage in his eyes, the manic laugh, the unhinged expression all gone like it has never been there.

Before she could respond the door opened. She watched with wide eyes as a man ducked under the door frame into the room. His build was tall, thick, and muscular with tattoos on the right side of his head and face going down his neck. A small blonde knot sat neatly atop his head and his bright golden eyes immediately met hers.

"Couldn't fucking wait could you Izana?"

His voice was deep and sent vibrations throughout Qury's body.

"No problem," he said stretching his arms and cracking his neck on both sides. "It's my turn now."

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