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"I'll ask once more," South told Qury. "Where's Mikey's new remote hideout?"

Qury hang by her restraints from the hook and chain in the ceiling bleeding and bruised from several places. She had refused to say a word against Toman and this man, South had seemingly enjoyed taking his time to get it out of her. Izana on the other hand stared at them both with those unblinking hypnotic orbs of nothingness.

"I'm not saying anything!" Qury cried out.

South shrugged rolling his neck and preparing his next assault.

"You know what did get her talking earlier?" Izana finally spoke up. South glanced at him over his shoulder. Not asking but not stopping him from talking as well. "When I buried my cock deep inside her," he answered turning his head to look at her naked body again.

South raised a curious eyebrow at him before turning and facing Qury who's cheeks tinged red with embarrassment. He smirked to himself with this new information. South loved torturing people and he rarely got his hands on a woman. Using sex as a torture technique was something he had secretly wanted to try out and well now-

"When life gives you lemons," he said out loud meeting her wide brown eyes.

"No!" She yelled as he made his way towards her. "No don't touch me I don't want this!"

"Damn psycho you were right," he said talking to Izana who rolled his eyes. "Baby girl singing like a canary all of a sudden."

He approached her reaching for the chain and maneuvering it so she was closer to the ground. She squealed and kicked trying and failing to get away from him. He roughly grabbed her ankle as a kick landed in his stomach hard. He stared at her menacingly as he was now pissed and she could only look back at him in horror. A scream tore through her lips as he twisted the ankle, breaking it.

Izana's laughter filled the room as he watched her cry in agony.

"We haven't even really started and you're ready to give in aren't you?" He taunted. "Go on and share Toman's secrets and we'll let you free Canary."

She shook her head crying as the pain in her ankle was overwhelming. As much as she was angry with Draken right now, all she wanted was for him to come running through the door to save her. She wanted him to take the pain away and make it all better. She hated herself for storming out unprotected and allowing herself to get caught, making trouble for the people she cared about the most.

"It's too late for regrets," South chuckled into her ear. His warm breath sending chills down her spine. His tongue darted out and he licked it before biting down hard on it. Pulling a painful moan from her. "That's right, keep singing. Start using some useful fucking words soon though or I'll snap the other ankle."

South nodded towards the sink and Izana understanding him, walked over to it and cut the water on. The sound of the running water felt menacing to Qury though she was trying her best to keep her composure. She knew any sign of fear would only encourage him.

Her ears perked up hearing him beginning to unbuckle his pants causing her attention to immediately shift back to him. Izana slowly paced around the two of them, winking and smirking at her. The hint of the craziness he showed her earlier peaking through as though he knew something she didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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