Chapter 12 - truth or dare

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(Josh's point of view)

We'd been in the car what seemed like forever and we'd decided to play dares.

''Right I shall start, Marakesh truth or dare'' I said happily.

''Turth'' Marakesh replied.

''Who was your first love'' I said wondering.

She blushed.

''You, I've had boyfriends but I've never loved them as much as I love you. Therefore you are my first actual love'' She replied sweetly.

''My turn, um Jaymi truth or dare'' Marakesh said.

''Dare Dare'' Jaymi shrieked.

''This is a bad one. I dare you too tweet something crazy'' I said.

Jaymi pulled out his phone and tweeted.

@UnionJworld - I just ate cheerios, on a bus with no pants on.

We all looked at the tweet and giggled in a fit.

Jaymi smiled before repeatedly saying 'MY TURN'

''Right, T truth or dare'' Jaymi shouted.

''Truth'' She replied.

''What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done'' I laughed.

''Well one time I went bowling with four good looking boys who were in a boyfriend. I fell over and hurt my ankle'' She laughed and I tried to hide my giggles.

''Right, JJ truth or dare'' She added.

''Um dare'' He replied.

''I dare you too lick Jaymi's foot'' I laughed.

''Ew, ew. Forfeit'' JJ replied grossed out.

''You buy everyone kfc right now'' she replied as we pulled into KFC for a stop off.

''Fine, kfc it is'' he said.

Everyone burst into fits of giggles.

(Marakesh's point of view)

We went through the drive through because of fans and papparazi and we ordered lots of food which we ate while talking about what Ruby and JJ's wedding might be like.

''We could have a monkey after part for George'' Jaymi said giggling.

''Yeah or bowling where this time I don't die'' T said in a fit of giggles.

''it's a wedding he wants to declare his love not be in a jungle with curious George the monkey and a bowling alley'' Josh said before bursting into the same fit of giggles with T.

''Well for our wedding.. We could have a wedding maybe'' JJ said sarcastically.

''Anything which makes you happy'' Ruby replied.

''Awh cuties'' I said making them blush.

I snuggled into Josh's shoulder after I'd eaten as he spoke gently into my ear.

''You okay baby'' he said smiling.

''Yeah, just worn out'' I said tiredly.

''Awh, go too sleep babe'' he replied.

I snuggled into his chest and used his body warmth to heat me up.

''Love you'' he said.

''Love you too'' I replied,

(JJ's point of view)

Jaymi and T had fallen asleep and Josh and Marakesh follow shortly behind them but me and Ruby stayed up talking more about our wedding.

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