chapter one

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my mom, dad, cat, dog, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, all of my cousins, and the pet cockroach that lived in the corner of my room all died in a plane crash 5 years before i was born UwU.

My grandma sold me for cocane uwu.  


I quickly left my bed and looked in to my mirror and saw my auqwa periwinkle blue pretty orbs

And my thic curvy smoll discord kitten 2'4 body then ran my hand through my lovely so hot one of a kind goggy hair but i didnt bother taking shower because i naturally release the scent of vanilla and lavender.

Owo, and then this 7'6 handsom blonde blonde man comes in with is deep voice and 183427 pack and even though he bought me i fell in love the second i saw him uwu.

"Hey, I'm dream GRRRRRRR" he said with a deep voice as he growled you "you're my new discord kitten GRRRRR" he growled again "y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y--y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes i am UwU" i said with my cute mickey mouse voice acting adorable voice that was completely natural because i'm not like other guys and i don't have to try to be cute

"I'm going to call you big d manhunt man UwU because i'm special and not like other guys uwu" i sqeaked cutely.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m-m-m-my name is george but y-y-y-yy--y-yy-you can call me goggy uwu"

then he picked me up and i headed torwards my new home

discord mod dream x kitten goggy uwu (and sapnap???)Where stories live. Discover now