Chapter Two - My Turn To Cry

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Angst, Songfic


Baekhyun and Reader





'If the Heavens allow me to meet you without you running away, and let me see your beautiful face again, I know that time that we are fated to be'

1870 words

"Wow, Seoul has changed so much after I left. So many changes here...." You excitedly look around the city while Suho driving you. "You! Who told you I will come to Seoul?" You are surprised when seeing Kai is also inside the car with Suho. Kai didn't answer, instead, he just laugh. "Sorry Y/N, I think Kai cannot speak right now, he is too excited to see you again" Suho answers you, making you laugh as well. "Are you still living in the dorm?" You suddenly feel curious. "Yeah, some of us still. Like Xiumin hyung, me.... We have moved out," Kai gets to answer you this time. You nod.

"Baekhyun has moved out too, Y/N...." and the answer only makes you able to nod. They drive you to your previous place where you stayed with the housemates. The housemates are thrilled to see you again. After placing your luggage in your old room, Suho drives you to their dorm. You are nervous to meet them again but more nervous to see Baekhyun's reaction. You cannot wait to hug him.

"Guys.... Look who's here...." Suho alerting the members while you are hiding behind Kai and Suho's back. The members are looking at Suho. "Y/N!!!!!!!!" The members are overjoyed seeing you here in Seoul. The youngest, Sehun; is the most excited one when he goes hugging and jumping with you. You could only laugh and follows his actions. Xiumin and Chanyeol greet you after Sehun. Meanwhile, D.O. and Chen are at the kitchen preparing lunch when Chen runs and squeezes you after hearing you arrive. "Chen! Too, strong!" You try catching your breath. Xiumin had to separate Chen while hitting his back. You were told that Lay was still in China promoting his album and EXO songs as well, and asked them to send his regards to you.

"Hmm? Where's Baekhyun? I thought he was here. I have asked everyone to come" Suho questioned the members. All of them just keep quiet, shaking their heads. "He's going out! He said he'll be back soon!" D.O.'s voice echoed from the kitchen. "Hmm.... I wonder how soon is that." Suho answered while sighing. "Ah.... Don't worry, just let him take his time. I'm sure he is busy with work or something" you trying to soothe yourself, although you feel disappointed, not able to meet him there.

You enjoyed eating, sharing stories, playing games even taking pictures with the members. Yet, you cannot hide your frustration when Baekhyun is still not showing up after a few hours of being in the dorm. Chen senses your sadness and offers himself to call Baekhyun, but you stop him. "Chen, it's okay. I guess he's just, busy with something, tired and went home. It's okay" You prevent Chen from calling Baekhyun. "Are you sure? I'm just afraid you'll not be able to see him for a week of your stay." Chen asks. You only nod, ignoring the rest of the question.

Night falls, and it's time to go home. You thank them, and they remind you of their fan sign event three days later. You nod, this time, D.O. and Suho send you home. "D.O., you said Baekhyun goes out somewhere. Do you know where he goes?" Suho is suddenly curious, and you feel the same. D.O. nods and drives to that place. Unfortunately.... Once again, your vacation ends in vain; when you saw Baekhyun holding hands with a girl, entering a restaurant. "Dinner date.... I guess he's really moved on now." You apologise to them for not being able to stand your tears from falling. Suho and D.O. can only sigh, comforting you. You ask D.O. to leave the place before you feel more disheartened.

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