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With the Princes

Maleficent took the Princes to her castle and locked them in the dungeon.

Maleficent:"I will be back."

The boys sat in silence until she came back.

Maleficent:"Now I will tell you why you are here. You see, the person you were supposed to marry is the boy you fell in live with."

J-hope:"Jimin is the Prince!"

Maleficent:"Yes. He was in the forest because those stupid fairies thought that would protect him from the curse I put on him."

Jin:"What does this have to do with us?"

Maleficent:" The curse that I put on him will make him fall asleep forever when he turns sixteen. As of now, he is in a deep sleep in the highest tower of the castle. The only thing that can break the curse is true loves kiss."

Maleficent left and let the boys think.

As soon as she left, four fairies appeared in side the cell with the Princes.

The fairies put a finger to their lips signaling the boys to be quiet.

The fairies:"We'll get you out of here, but you need to save Jimin."

The Prices nodded and the cell door was broken.

The Princes and the fairies are here to save the day! I J-hope you liked this chapter. Bye♡

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