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The Princes and the fairies quietly crept out of the dungeon, but some of Maleficent's guards caught them. The Princes ran to their horses that were taken with them.

The fairies:"We were seen! Take these weapons, you might need them."

The fairies snapped, and tons of weapons appeared. The Princes took them and battled until all the guards were defeated.

The fairies:"Good job boys! But, we need to leave. Maleficent must know we escaped by now."

So, the Princes and the fairies rushed to the castle. Hoping that Maleficent wasn't already there. But, luck wasn't on their side as the castle was surrounded by thorns.

The fairies:"You must use your swords to make a path! We think Maleficent is on the other side, so prepare your selves!"

The Princes agreed and started slicing thorns to make a path. And sure enough, there was Maleficent.

Maleficent:"I see you've made it past my guards, and my thorns. But no matter, you won't get passed me!"

Maleficent says an incantation and she turns into a huge dragon.

Hello again. I have a question. What do you want for Christmas? I want a lot of BTS merch. But, I J-hope you liked this chapter. Bye♡

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