Interview 1~ Don't be shy!

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Name: Chantal Reyes 

Username:Chantal Reyes 

what intersted you in my story?

 "Someone recommended it" 

who you favorite charater? 

"Georgina,why beacuse she sweet and adores eveyone!"

what do u like about the most about surving the Cilque? 

 "All the drama"

Can u give me some datails on what you think about the story? 

 "It's intersting and funny and it keeps you at the edge of your seat."

If you were in their Clique how well you handle it?

 "I'll probably be like camie" 

If you could be any of the charater who would be and why? 

" I well be Georgina beause she tell the truth"

who are the charater that you're routing to be together? 

"Bianca and blake" 

who are the charater you like the least and why?

 "Camie why beause she the bad as of the group"

what your quote? if you were a charater ? 

'I don't know"

can you tell me about yourself? 

"Hi, my name is chantal and i love read and write and I love wattpad i be on wattpad eveyday i like candy."

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