Interview 2~ She's feisty!

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Name: Janet N

Username: janet10

What interested you in my story?

I like drama!

Favorite character?

Bianca and Isabella. 

What do you like the most about Surviving the Clique?


Can you give me some details on what you think about the story?

It's unpredictable, anything can happen and you'll never see it coming!

If you were in their clique, how will you handle it?

I'll probably be like Bianca or Isabella, stating my opinions, having trust in my friends, and trying not to be the person getting kicked out.

If you could be any of the characters, who would you be and why?

I would like to be Bianca cuz she practically rules the place DUH or Isabella cuz I like to be in the clique, not be out,to have faith in my friends, and I would never betray them.

Who are the characters that you're routing to be together?

Blake and Bianca or Isabella and Josh.

Who is your least favorite character and why?

Stephanie cuz she betrayed them (and cuz she's a slut)

What's your quote?

"You think you know me when you really don't."

Can you tell me about yourself?

Well I can be perky at times or scary and mad at times too, so you wouldn't want to mess with me!!! JK LOL

Author's Note:

Well, I like you! You're not afraid to speak your mind and if I could choose a new girl I would definitely choose you! And I love your qoute. "You think you know me when you really don't." Wow and you just thought of that! I love it xD Thank you so much for letting me interview you and I would love to have u comment on some of the chapters, I would love your opinion! xD

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