Interview 4

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I was looking for something like the clique series and I saw the title

Fav character:

Bianca obv

Like best:

drama drama ad guess what else Blake!


the story is brilliant!!

I were in the clique:

I'd ty not to put my friends down

Like to be:

Isabella cuz she's hot and never had her heart broken

2 b 2gether:

B&B (wish there names started with m's)

Least fav:

Stephanie she's a fake a horrible friend and a TRAITOR off with her head!


A friend is a gift you give youself

Myself:I'm a blonde and no I am NOT dumb, but its fun acting like it. I'm addictd to Hershey's and I live in my phone.

Thanks for letting me interview you! I love how you always leave a comment under my stories and B & B are so cute right!!? Haha Thank you so much!

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