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As Ben and Danny walk in, hand in hand, everyone stops dancing and stares at them. The music pauses and the lights turn to them.

"FAGS!" someone shouts, breaking the silence.

Everyone starts screaming and throwing their shoes at them.

Then Chris comes in and saves the day. Everyone has a crush on Chris, even the straight boys, so everyone swarms around him and forgets about Dan and Ben.

Later that night, Ben decides to impress Daniel by doing some ballet.

He attempts to do a pirouette and falls face first onto the table.

To redeem himself, he launches himself into a split leap, his trousers rip apart at the crotch, revealing his bright pink hellokitty underwear. 

"Oh em gee!" squeals Daniel. He is a bit excited because he's never seen Ben's underwear before.

Ben is soooo embarrassed his face is as pinks as his boxers, but Dan has a plan.

I know Ben will fall in love with me if I help him fix his trousers! Dan thinks.

"Hey Ben, follow me!" Dan holds his hand out and pulls Ben to the art classroom.

"Omg where are we going..." Ben smiles coyly.

Dan grabs some sticky tape and puts it on the hole on Ben's trousers. Doing so, he has to touch Ben's dick so he becomes a nervous and out of breath.

They both have butterflies in their stomachs.

"Hey Dan... maybe we should stay in here.." Ben smirks.

"Alone..?" Dan is even more excited now.


Ben leans in with his lips pouted and pulls his arms around Daniel, they start full-on making out in the art room. So romantic!!

Ben tears his shirt off and Dan shakily unbuckles his belt. Ben shoves him onto the table and smirks. He pushes his fatass dick into Dan's crotch. Daniel releases a pathetic moan. Both of them are panting like they ran a marathon.

Now Daniel can trace Ben's real body instead of his drawing!!

It's better than I thought.

As Dan licks Ben's six-pack and they grind on eachother, the door swings open.

They gasp and Ben sits up on top of Daniel, both staring at the door. It was the math teacher.

She gasps and shouts, "OH MY GOD!!!" 

Then she collapses onto the linoleum floor.

"DAN WE HAVE TO RUN!" Ben whispers loudly into his ear.

"Um let's finish at your house?" Dan does puppy eyes as he hurriedly puts his clothes back on.

Then they run away hand in hand all the way home to Ben's bedroom.

The end. 💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍  

hope u enjoyed queens 😍😍💪💪🥰🥰🌈🌈🌈🌈🔥🔥🔥

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