Chapter:I The News Part 2

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This chapter is short.

            "I just got informed that Ms. Eaton, you are called to the office" Mr. McLaren said.

"Okay" I said.


                 "Come in Ms.Eaton" Ms. Perry, our headmaster said.

"I've got some news to tell you. It is that you are no longer a part of this school, you..."

"What?" I said, shocked.

"Let me finish. Ya, so you are transferred to The London High at London, Ontario in Canada. " She said with a smile.

"But why?" I said confused.

"I guess your parents didn't inform you but you all are moving to London for their business purpose"

"But they are in London, U. K now"

"Yes, but they'll straight go to London, Ontario.  I think they wanted to surprise you.

"Ya right" they never fail to surprise me.Last time I checked they were kissing each other half naked in the kitchen.

"Here this is your transfer letter. Good luck" She said sweetly.

"Thank you" I said.


             *Ring*   *ring*    *ring*

"Ahh stop that sound"

             *Ring*   *ring*   *ring*

"Who the hell is calling?" Beep.

"Hey baby this is mom. We're in London already, I hope you're excited for the new place. Have you started packing yet? I guess you have! The ticket for the plane is in the kitchen drawer. Pack your bags hon. You're coming tomorrow! Yay! And all your things will be shifted soon. Goodnight.  Oh, your plane is at ten in the morning so go get some sleep. Bye."

    "Omigod! It was a very long voice mail" I said to myself.

So, I have to do a lot of packing. I hate packing.

This call woke me up from my precious dream. I glanced up at the clock and it read 19:00.

      I came downstairs, went into the kitchen, grabbed the kettle and put some water to boil. I was feelings very hungry, so I had to kick my laziness out and had something to eat. I grabbed my cup of instant noodles, poured the hot water and the food was ready to eat. Yay!

             "Ha haaa hahaha ha" I laughed my heart out while watching AFV.

I was all alone so I had to so something for that I watched the television a little more. I was feeling really sleepy (yeah I sleep a lot so what?)

so I turned the t.v off and went upstairs. I already packed what I wanted a while ago. I jumped onto my bed, pulled my covers up and dozed off.

               I'm going to have a long, tiring day tomorrow.

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