Chapter III:Meeting New People

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Looooooooooong timeee... I'm so sorry for this late update. I know I should have

updated but I had a really important exam, so I had to work on that. Yeah, so basically that's the reason. I'M SO SO SO SORRY. AGAIN.



Meeting new people isn't my thing. Yes, I don't like meeting people because I can't make a nice conversation with them. Yeah,that's the thing and I turn out to be boring and awkward.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" Mom questioned me as she entered my room.
"Oh mom wait...I'll get ready"
"They are going to come at eight and it is seven thirty already, come on great ready now"
"Fine" I said.
"Oh and please wear a dress"
"You heard"
"Fine" I said with disappointment.
After mom left I opened my closet and started my search for 'a dress' to wear.I don't like dresses that much, ah forget it I don't like dresses at all. But I've got no choice this time.
After searching for a while, I settled for a light blue colored knee length dress which had a nice flown skirt.I've no idea when I bought it and what is it called but that's fine.
I slipped out of my current attire which was more like a homeless person (Yeah,that's what my mom calls me) and put on the dress.
Then I wore my hair into a nice pony tail and slipped into my favorite
flip-flops and then taking a one last look at the mirror I went downstairs.

"They are coming in any minute" mom informed.
"Okay,so what?" I said.
"Go keep the dishes on the table" Mom ordered.
Moms and their orders...Oh!
"Aye aye mom" I say sarcastically . Like who likes doing work? Not me, nope. Every lazy person hates doing work and I am a hell of a lazy person. But I still did it.
"Done" I said and just then the doorbell ring signalling the guests' arrival and mom literally came running to get it.
"I'm coming" she said.
As mom was welcoming the guests dad quickly came downstairs well-dressed.
"Oh come in" Mom said.
"Welcome to our house Peter" Dad said.
"Oh,such a wonderful house" Peter said smiling widely.
"Thanks,meet my wife Julia" Dad said.
"Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Young"
"Same here I've heard a lot about you." Mom said.
"This is my wife Alison" Peter said.
After the greetings and the intros my dad said
"Meet my daughter Bethany"
After some more nice to meet you's were passed Peter introduced us with their daughter, Teresa.
"Alright,let's settle down" Dad said.
After chatting for sometime mom said
"Beth,show Teresa your room"
"Okay" I said.
I took her to my recently cleaned room. Thank God I cleaned it today; I think I saw this coming.
"So, what do you like?" She asked.
"I actually like a lot of things...what about you?"
With this our conversation started and we talked for hours and didn't even realize what time it was until mom called us for dinner downstairs.

We talked about a lot of things and she came out as a sweet and totally kind type of girl. She didn't fit any stereotypes in the school. To me she came out as a fun loving and she made friends easily as has made friends with me in just a couple of hours.And she goes to the same school as me .(Yay!Thank God) She says it has some great teachers and staff,a great cafeteria, football field, etcetera.But the students,most them are douche bags.
She says she only has two friends and I at first didn't believe her but then she said
"Most of them are a bunch of fake and arrogant pupil"
That's the reason of her lack of friends.Teresa was a hell of a talker and a damn good listener. I came across that when I was telling her about my change of schools and stuff.
"So,when are you joining?" She asked me as we were descending the stairs.
"Probably,next month" I said.
"Text me later. Okay?" She said.
"Yeah." I said smiling.
"Honey,can you please help me in the kitchen?"
"Alright" I said.
"Take those" she said.
"Okay" I said and carried the lasagna to the table.
After keeping it I took a seat.Teresa was sitting right next to me and Peter and dad were sitting at the two ends of the table and our moms were right in front facing us.
"The food's delicious" Alison said.
"Oh thank you"
We talked a lot during dinner. Teresa and I in became good friends in just less then twenty-four hours. I think all the credit goes to Teresa herself.
If it wasn't for her friendly nature I would've messed up for sure.
"It was a pleasure meeting you all I hope we meet up soon" Alison
"Yes we'll love to meet up again" Mom said.
"Yes" Peter.
And Teresa and I shared a secret smile because we knew we are gonna talk a lot. We even exchanged numbers to text each other.

When I was sitting on my bed writing some poems, my phone chimes.

*I text from Tes*
Hey whatcha doing?-T

I'm just sitting on my bed-B

Oh that's good :P-T

Ya,so what are u doin?-B

I'm just texting a (; -T

And just as I was going to reply another text comes.

Hey can we meet tomorrow? I'll pick you up and then we'll hangout.-T

Ya sure. I'll love to hangout. That'd be awesome.

I'll pick you up at eleven?


Alright. Goodnight and sleep tight.


After that I keep my phone on the nightstand and immediately drifted off to sleep.

Cover by writing-is-my-escape

Finally, I did it!! God I'm so happy right now that I updated after like ages.
Hope you like the story. Please comment if I have any mistakes. But please don't be rude. I'd love to improve my writings. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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