Penny Arrowmann Chronicles (Part 3)(Unedited)

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Over the last few years I have been from orphanage to orphanage. So many different things happened to get me kicked out of all of them, but most of the time someone put the blame on me for something I was never part of.

Every new place felt the same as the last. Lonely, boring, destitute, tiresome. . . but I always tried to see the good side of it. Of course it was difficult. The kids weren't all that friendly and the head person was very strict. I never forgot about my old home though, and I would never, ever forget the memories I had with my parents.

But now it is different than before. My parents were gone and so was Camilla. I had to leave my home to go live in some place I had never been to and then get kicked out of one after the other. And to top all that off, weird things keep happening to me.

First, it was the time when those crude teenage boys pushed me off the building, but I didn't get injured. I hadn't even gotten a scratch. I had fallen a great distance down and I was certain I was going to die, but just seconds before I hit the ground, I just stopped. I hadn't known what happened. After that, I fell the rest of the way, hit my head on the ground and woke up with Mrs. Oma yelling at me. I only got kicked out because those boys said I was trying to commit suicide.

The second time, I was in a fight with another headmistress and I went to slam the door, but maybe just a little too hard. The door flew of its hinges and fell on the headmistress. I was so shocked with the amount of strength I used that I didn't know what to think. I hadn't meant for any of that to happen, it just did. She had to get a few stitches and had a bad concussion but ended up fine. She wasn't too happy with me though.

The place I live in now is quiet and peaceful. The children here leave me alone and that's good enough for me. I like to spend hours by myself in my bedroom if you could even call it that. More like a room shared by twenty girls. It could get crowded at times but they were outside most of the time.

The building itself was nice and sturdy compared to the other ones. It was a two story building with a large basement for extra storage and the kitchen. The land around it was filled with gardens and forest so the kids could go exploring. On occasions I would go for a walk or two and try to get these 'powers' to work again, but I would never tell anyone what I was doing. The other kids wouldn't understand or they would just tell someone and then I would be in trouble. So I made extra sure to be completly by myself.

Walking through the woods on the trails helped to take my mind off things. I would go out near breakfast with some snacks for lunch and come back late after dark for dinner.

The headmistress would often tell me to not be out after dark but I would never listen. I would go deep in the forest and jump off rocks and little hills trying to fly again.

It was more difficult than I thought. After jumping and falling to the ground again, I was exhausted and sore from hitting the ground so many times over and over. Taking a seat on one big rock, I sat and thought. Everytime the powers worked, it was when I never meant them to. I had a bunch of mixed emotions, from being scared to death to anger.

I closed my eyes and focused hard on my emotions. How I felt and why I felt it. The ground underneath my feet and the wind blowing through my hair. I thought back to when I was listening to Father tell me stories and my mind instantly went to the ugly duckling. You just have to be yourself and you will grow to be one the smartest people I know, he had told me.

I began to feel lots of emotions at once. Sadness, hurt, pain, longing...but I held onto them. Started to dig deeper and find myself in the midst of all of them. Feeling all the pain and sadness that it brought no matter how bad they were.

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