Chapter 1

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A snowflake falls and flies through a small city, Christmas lights were being hanged, people doing Christmas shopping, and a giant Christmas tree was in the center of town and being decorated.

Holly: ah Christmas, Christmas is my favorite time of the year, it a time together with loved ones, it's a time to other people's needs first, it's a time to get into that holiday spirit and spread some holiday cheer, Christmas is everyone's favorite holiday and I should know cause it's not only my favorite holiday but my birthday, my name is holly Noelle

A snowflake past by a skating rink, people were skating joyful.

Holly: there I am

A women with long blonde hair was skating around playful, she wore a red, gray and white striped long sleeve dress, black leggings, black gloves, white skating boots, a white coat with a matching scarf.

She had blue eyes and when she smiled it was like a warm welcoming.

Holly: I'm holly, like the Christmas holly, I love the holiday so much I do anything for it, I've done lots of good deeds for Christmas, I help out at the orphanage, spread Christmas cheer at the homeless shelter and I do lots of volunteer work at the community service and once a month I help create events to give Christmas joy to everyone, I love to give joy, although some people say I should be name joy I'm ok with my name holly, people also say that I'm full of spirits and I'm quirky and a kind hearted women, but I always see the bright side of everyone, ever since my mom died from cancer and before she died she used to tell me to see the good in everyone nobody what they are so that's what I still do, I see the good in everyone and still give them hope, my mom died on Christmas Eve and it was sad for me and after that I had no family so my aunt, aunt Carol looked after me

She waves at a 50 aged woman that was skating, it was her aunt and she waved back.

Holly: I should probably find her a Christmas present, she's been a real sweet pie to me, she's always took care of me, then there's my best friend Kelly, we been friends since elementary, yep my life couldn't be more sweeter, I got a loving family, an amazing best friend and in a few days I'm going to be hosting a charity event to help the children of the orphanage, yep my life was wonderful


she turns to see a traffic jam and one car honking a lot, she skates over to the traffic jam.

Holly: but like in every town, there is that one grinch who hates Christmas, that one Scrooge who despise Christmas and his name is-

Out of a 2020 Rolls-Royce Cullinan, a nice black shoe steps out of the car, revealing a man in a 100$ black suit, in a large black trench overbear coat, he turns his face around. He had full beard that looked halfway shaved, his hair was a Classic Taper Business Haircut.


Holly: Nicholas Richard

She leaned her elbows against the railings and made a annoyed face at him.

Holly: he was the meanest, cruelest, grinchiest, Stingiest and selfish man in town, he hated Christmas but nobody really knows why

he was on his phone making a phone call, steamed about the damage to his car.

Everyone did their best to ignore him.

Holly: all I know is that he's the richest guy in town, he's a college professor and he has a really bad temper problem

Nicholas: AH!!!

he yells at his phone and slams it hard on the ground.

Holly: he doesn't believe in the Christmas spirit or celebrates Christmas in that matter, everyone is a afraid of him so they avoid him but I'm not, I know that inside that selfish beast is a warm hearted man and maybe just maybe I can tame this beast into the perfect Santa Claus, everyone may not like him but I know there's some good in him, I just need to find it and it's like I always say there's always good in everybody no matter who they are and I know I can get him to love Christmas

She stared at him as he was angry and crossed his arms at a female police officer.

Holly: other thing about him is that he thinks that just because he's rich he think he's a boss, well begin rich doesn't make you powerful this my story

Nicholas takes the police officers notepad and ripe it.

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