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 Lee Miller was born when her oldest brother was 18 years old

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Lee Miller was born when her oldest brother was 18 years old. By the time she could form full sentences, both of her brothers were out of high school.

Lee was left to her own devices at an early age. Her parents were older in their years and did not have the energy for a small child. She spent most of her first years watching, Looney Tunes, with her father. This earned her the nickname, Doc.

Growing up as a Miller was difficult. No one in the family went on to be successful. Doc's father was a scammer and conman, while her mother was never seen without a wine glass in hand—this wasn't the cause of her dull life, but rather a conclusion of it. Doc wanted to be different from her family members.

She wanted to succeed, strive for success. This was further proved by Jamie, her brother, putting her down. He told her she was born a Miller so she must act like one. Jamie really was for the whole 'doing nothing' gimmick. Her family was compared to dirt, nothing, so she became something.

Nick would help fund her activities. Archery, gymnastics, soccer, dance, theatre, art, and anything else she could think of. Doc seemed to take after her father in her sneaky ways, being a brilliant girl she seemed to have more money than Nick, which he would never understand where she got it.

  Her parents would not take her to her practices, games, or recitals; which left the young girl to ride with friends most of the time. Nick, her oldest brother, refused to stand for it.

   Doc and Nick had a close bond. His younger sister had stuck to his side ever since she was born. Nick pushed her to follow her passions and reach for her goals. He was at every game or competition he could be at. Though, it was hard considering they lived in different states.

  Being older and understanding the dynamic of the Miller family better than anyone, Nick formed an idea.

   He was already helping Doc fund her activities with the little money he had, and he knew how miserable she was living in Chicago with Jamie and their parents. The two missed one another terribly and Nick finally asked if Doc could move to California with him.

  He explained to their parents that there was better opportunities for her there. She was already incredibly gifted at a young age, and would have more outlets for her skills in California. Without hesitation, Bonnie and Walt Miller agreed.

   Doc moved in with Nick and Winston when she was seven years old. A year later Schmidt joined the loft crew. Doc converted the area next to the bathroom as her bedroom. It was a small space, but she preferred it that way.

   Growing up with three brothers/father figures was odd. Doc was definitely the most intelligent out of the four. Infuriating Schmidt to no end.

Doc auditioned for a spot at Hollywood Arts and was immediately enrolled after she showcased her many talents. She was headstrong, ambitious, and determined.

She was too good.

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