Bruno's NSFW alphabet

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Ohh boy- alright this had to be done someday. Why not today?

A(Aftercare)- Bruno is the king of cuddles, he could have you on a mental roller coster ride one minute, and gently kissing your shoulders as his arms wrap around you the next.

B(Body part)- Certainly hips. He loves having a place to put his hands on you, and your hips fit his hands just right, like it was built just for him. It also gives him a sort of sense of control, being able to angle you how he likes by lifting or tilting your hips

C(Cum)- He's not one to tell you when you can and can't. He'll practically let you do what you want while he just makes you feel good. He doesn't want you to feel like he's the one in control, he wants it to be equal.

D(Dirty secret)- Bruno definitely jerks off to pictures of you while you're gone. He doesn't want anyone to know, but he'll do it whenever he gets lonely.

E(Experience)- He hasn't had much, making him the hesitant type in bed, but after doing it for a bit, he gets more creative and fluid with his movements.

F(Favorite position)- Missionary or Cowgirl/boy. He loves being over you, seeing everything going on in those eyes, but sometimes he wants you to do the work and get a beautiful view to burn into his memory.

G(Goofy)- We all are aware that Bruno's the shy, hesitant type when it comes to- well- anything, so he'd probably be a bit more serious, but may crack a joke after a year or two of knowing you.

H(hair)- That depends: before his disappearance? He'd be pretty well groomed! He even may shave! During his disappearance? Not as much, but after he's found he'll pick up a razor and get to shaving.

I(intimacy)- He👏Would👏be👏so👏in👏the👏moment👏 like- it wouldn't be funny! He'd have to be snapped out of that state.

J(Jack off)- ONLY IF HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS IT. He'd be sure to only think about you if he does, and you'd have to be gone for a long ass time (like ten years😐)

K(Kinks)- Probably blindfolding. He'd love the feeling of surprise on whoever's blindfolded's part, getting a bit more mischievous without your gaze on him.

L(Location)- His room. It's literally the only place. He wouldn't DARE anywhere else.

M(Motivation)- Wanna get him off? Whisper in his ear, kiss his neck, hold him close. See what happens then.

N(NO)- He wouldn't be able to fathom hitting or hurting you. Even if you asked he'd refuse completely, and you'd have a very long conversation as to why not.

O(Oral)- Holy shit. When I tell you he'd know all the right spots, and while receiving? WOO! What a ride Dolores would be having, because he'd be getting sooo louddd-

P(Pace)- Depends on his mood and how you riled him up. Is he angry? Fast and rough. Calm? Moderate for both. Nothing but horny? Slow and sensual.

Q(Quickie)- He's impartial. If you want one, he'll certainly give you one, but if it was up to him, he'd have you in his arms the whole time.

R(Risk)- Other than fucking while Dolores is in the house, he won't take any risks. Well- that's a lie. He'd be risky with positions, with where he puts his hands in public, but no public sex. That's a big no-no.

S(Stamina)- I give him 2 rounds. Each round varies in time, depending on the time of day, his mood, and stuff like that.


U(Unfair)- You could be BEGGING for more, and if he's comfortable, he'd literally just stare down at you with nothing but a shit-eating grin.

V(Volume)- Whimpers, groans, and covered moans. This man would try (and fail) at being quiet, and you'd love every second of it.

W(Wild card)- Jealousy sex. Things like "you wish this were him, huh?" And "I'll make you regret thinking about replacing me" are pretty common words in your bed if he's jealous. You could look at anyone, and he'd immediately know what he was goin to do to you.

X(X-ray)- He's big, but nothing special. I'd give him 7in if I was thinking about it.

Y(Yearning)- This man would miss you after not even an hour. The sex drive, however... it's certainly intriguingly high-

Z(Zzz...)- He falls asleep fairly quickly, affirmation, small kisses and conversations are what he'll give you before passing out with you on his chest.

That's it, that's the post. You're welcome, good night you horn dog.

(815 words)


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