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Penelope was sitting on Dinah's lap and she got her hands tangled in the woman's golden hair it was like there was nothing that would get the two separated. Dinah was reading one of the books which Ally had suggested to her to read and she wanted to impress her girlfriend that she has the same interests too.  Dinah had finished three chapters and she was going to the fourth one when she was interrupted by a call on her iPad she looked over at the screen and she saw a face that got her to smile and she tapped on Penelope's arms. The girl looked at the woman as she tapped her arm and then she looked at the tab as she saw who was calling them when she saw the picture she squealed and got down and took the tab in her hand and she answered the call.

Demi and Natalie were sitting beside a fireplace with two mugs in their hands and they waved at the little one who was on the other side of the screen and Demi at that moment saw Dinah getting her hair straightened.

Demi spoke from the other side to Dinah.

Demi. "Hey, Dinah how is our little not causing too much to you guys and the girls is it?"

Dinah. "No Demi she is an angel I have to tell you that you have trained her pretty well or whoever taught her the things did a good job" said Dinah kissing Penelope on the head.

Penelope. "Mommies when are you guys coming, I misses you guys and auntie Dinah hasn't given milkshake till now" said the little girl pouting.

Natalie. "Well isn't it good that she didn't give you chocolate milkshakes because we are planning to come back home and have a party for you" said Natalie. Demi nudged her arms with her wife's and kissed her wife on the cheeks.

Demi. "Where is Ally I don't see her online, nor has she replied to my calls?"

Dinah. "Auntie Ally went to meet Lauren and her new friend" said Penelope.

Natalie. "We didn't get the chance to get to talk to her, but it would be good to know how she is and did someone please try to find out why did Jennifer leave the wedding so soon like that?" asked Natalie.

Dinah. "Hey you two you are on your honeymoon enjoy the time you will be spending together because once you come back you might not have the same luxury" said Dinah. Both the ladies on the other side of the screen rolled their eyes at that comment and then Penelope saw that and she gasped.

Penelope. "Mommies rolled their eyes, auntie Dinah"

Dinah. "It's alright dear they are big they can roll their eyes but you cannot, now why don't you go wait for me in the kitchen and I will be there to make you something" said Dinah. Penelope heard that and she sent flying kisses to her caregivers and then got off the lap and made her way to the kitchen.

Nina's apartment at 2 o clock in the afternoon.

Both of the girls were sitting in the living room and there was a KFC bucket was on the coffee table and two glasses of half-filled coke and a slow-moving picture on the flatscreen. Nina heard the doorbell and then she got up kissing her partner and she went over to the door and opened it to see a short blonde holding a bag in her hand.

"Hey Ally come on in, would you like some chicken, apparently Lauren ordered an extra bucket not knowing that I am only an average human being" said the brunette as she welcomed Ally into the house.

"Well some times Lolo can do that and it's fine don't worry it's a learning curve" said Ally. Lauren paused the movie as she heard her friend's voice and got down from the couch and came to the spot where Ally and Nina were as she hugged Ally. Ally hugged the girl and she kissed her on the cheeks and then she broke the hug. Nina then went ahead and took the things off the coffee table as she wanted the living room to be clean because she didn't want their guest to think they were sloppy.

Lauren and Ally went to the backyard and sat by the sofas and Ally looked at her friend who was obviously not thrilled to see her or she is just in that mood.

"You know Bella and Hazel miss their mama Lolo and they are asking when they can see her and spend time with her" said Ally.

"Al as much as I love our little ones I am not in any mood to face them its been three days since Jennifer walked out on me and I have not heard from her nor anything from my parents, what do you think I have to do, thankfully I met Nina who is caring and making sure I haven't broken down till now" spoke Lauren.

"It has not been easy for her Ally, I mean she is not willing to go out or do anything, she needs some space" said Nina as she handed the girl a glass of coke. Ally takes the glass in her hand and then she looked at Nina and she smiled.

"I actually have no idea how to thank you for taking care of our friend, things are not the same at the mansion, since Normani and Camila moved out things have been a bit different" said Ally.

"I am just glad that I met this amazing girl who was listening to Jonas brother songs on the bar counter at the wedding location" said Nina as she sits down.

Ally sipped her drink in her hand and she looked at her friend who was not looking well for some reason she is looking very pale and tired, and she wanted to ask the other one whether she is getting enough sleep or not but then she didn't want to cross a line so Ally simply sipped her drink and looked around the place.  Lauren wanted to ask about her twins and how they are doing but again knowing the things she knew how they would be Bella is always the one who expresses her feeling out in the world and talks to her caregivers but then Hazel on the other hand was a handful who can tend to be a brat and act like one.

There was a knock on the door and Nina wondered who it could be in the mid-afternoon so she went and opened the door and then saw three faces two were really familiar and the other face was not recognizable. They were none other than Mila, Dallas and Emily.

Camila came into the house and then she went to the balcony and then came to Lauren and hugged her from the front and then she kissed her on the left cheek as it had been a while since the two of them had spoken after the wedding. Emily came over to Ally and she hugged the woman as for some reason Ally had that quality of people getting close to her.  Well in the past you could have seen how Demi got really close to Ally and ended up being the best friends and well the tales go on and on. Nina came to the back and then she sighed.

"Alright since all of you are here then I will do one thing and that is leave everything for you guys, since you guys are the close ones to Lauren you can get her to talk and eat what she likes and the kitchen and take out menus are for you guys" said Nina as she found a place near Dallas and she sits down next to her.

Natalie's POV.

Both Demi and Natalie were checking out of the hotel when they were in the reception the person behind the reception saw Natalie making the last payment at the hotel and when that was happening she went to her drawer and then took out a package and handed it to Natalie. Natalie takes the package in her hand and then she looked at the name on the package or from where was it, it was not mentioned so she removed the seal on the package and she looked into it which had a box and she opened it and she looked inside to see a small mobile which might have been a flip phone but then it was not that old. She clicked on the buttons and then she saw what was on the phone and her hands started to shake so she flipped the phone shut and she put it away in her bag not wanting to see that at this moment and she asked the receptionist if she could get her something to drink.

Demi came and held your hand and Natalie at that instant jumped and that freaked Demi a bit and she didn't know why Nat was acting like that but then she saw the receptionist come with a glass of juice and Natalie took it and drank the juice and she gave away the glass.

Demi had only seen Natalie this freaked out or scared very few times and those were only because of one reason but what could have been the reason now everything ended didn't it.

My Little Pt. 2 (Demi Lovato and Fifth Harmony Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن