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Author's note important

The following chapter I have to skip few details because it's not something I want to write and some of the age group to read the gory details, I wanted to get something in the book so I am taking it in a direction but there is a part I don't want to write it because I don't want it to be read by everyone and cause mental problems.

Demi's POV.

Demi was the not in a very good mood when she heard what Natalie had to say what she went through few years back, if the person responsible for the situation which Natalie is was in front of Demi she might have shot the person point blank right between the eyes. At the moment they were back in Las Angeles at the house and Penny was still back at Dinah's she didn't want to get her home and see Natalie in this state for some reason she wanted to protect Penny by all means. Demi came into the room and she had a bowl of soup in her hand and she gave it in Nat's hand and Nat saw Demi place the bowl which got her to take the spoon and start eating. Natalie was feeling really bad for Demi I mean right after the wedding the threat happened and then this incident with herself she had no idea when Demi would catch a break.

"Natalie I got Dr Emily Shoutz to come and see you, you know how she is the best and how she helped me and Penelopy with little Emily too, so she would be glad to speak to you and she would help with anything" said Demi.

"Demi I had no idea that he would do that and I have no idea where my child is at the moment" said Natalie.

"I know you have your doubts but we will look into everything and I will make sure everything comes back to normal but you need to know that there are other people dependent on you" said Demi

"Penny oh my god it has been a day and a half and we need to get her back alright okay I will go take a shower and we will go get her" said Natalie.

"Nat Natalie sit down I know about Penny yes we will go get her but also we need to get you to an environment where you feel safe, so how about we take a trip to your mother's and Penelope and I will come with you which you spend some time with you mother me and our little one can spend time by the beach?" asked Demi. Natalie nodded as that was a great idea and she was really glad that she married Demi because she is the best and the most intelligent person ever.

Dinah was having a hard time getting Penny to take a nap as she was very energetic at the moment. The one and only reason being she got the news from Ally that Demi and Natalie her mommies are coming to get her and they are going to go on a road and she exactly knew what a road trip meant and that means junk food and milkshakes and no limits this was the reason that she was not to able to get to the nap. Dinah takes out her phone and called Demi and she spoke to her.

"Hey Dems don't come and pick up Penny she is not napping" spoke Demi as she was seeing Penny on the other side of the room.

"Care to give her the phone I will talk to her and she will listen to me I hope" asked Demi.

Dinah got the phone on speaker and then she called out Penny and the little one came and she sat next to Demi.

"Mommy when are you and mama coming to get I miss you two" Penny's voice was really soft as she spoke and then she felt a hand on her back which was Dinah's. Demi sighed and then she spoke softly.

"Alright here is what me and mama are planning and that is we are going to start packing some of our bags, take a shower have lunch and then come and pick you up so we all can leave for your nana's" said Demi.

"And you will have to sleep for sometime so when you guys are going to drive to your nana's you will have to be awake so you can have fun on the road right" asked Dinah.

"Yes listen to Dinah babygirl, she knows what fun babygirl like you can have while we are on the road trip" she said

Penny hands the phone back to Dinah and then she went over the bed and laid down on it takin her plushie. Dinah kept her phone to the ears and then she softly spoke.

"Don't know how you did it Demi but she is down, so how much time for you to to our place?" she asked as she was about to move out of the room but then she heard a voice.

"Me wants cuddle before nap" asked Penny. Dinah turned her head towards the bed and then she nodded. She cut the call and then she put the mobile on the table next to the door and then she came and sat on the bed and then she watched the little one come over her side ans she wrapped her arms on the woman and then she closed her eyes.

Demi and Natalie's

Natalie had taken a shower and she was in their room as she was not able to decide what to wear and she was still starin at the whole closet when there was a knock on the door. The woman turned to her side and then looked at her wife who had coffee in her hand.

"Since when does my wife take this long to wear something, honey we need to leave fast it has been two weeks since I have not seen our babygirl or held her can we move it along?" asked Demi taking a sip of her coffee.

Natalie sighed and then she went ahead and then she takes her favorite jeans and shirt and she puts it on.

Couple of minutes passed by and the newly wed couple made their way to Dinah's. Natalie got out of the car and then she made her way to the front door and then she knocked on the door.

The door was opened after a couple of minutes and it was Ally who opened the door who was holding a phone to her ear and when she saw the tall brunette she softly spoke.

"Mother i will call you tonight once again, kiss dad for me please" she said as she softly cut the call and then she hugged Natalie.

Natalie hugged Ally and then she soflty hummed being in the woman's arms got her the same comfort as her wife.

"Where is your wife and my bestie please tell me she is here I have a lot of things to talk to her and she needs to hear

I have been away from her for two weeks" spoke Ally as she broke the hug.

Then a voice came from behind Natalie and it spoke.

"I am right here Ally and you know we are here to pick up our little one, also we are leaving for Natalie's parents place pretty soon"

Ally heard the voice of her best friend and then she came and pulled the woman into a hug and then she hugged her tightly. Demi felt her body wrap around the arms and then she choked slightly.

"Al hard to breath please" said Demi. Ally immediately let go of the girl and then looked at the eyes.

Ally takes Demi upstairs and then led her to a room and slowly opened the door to reveal a figure sleeping with her plushie between her arms. Demi came and sat on the bed and then softly ran a hand over the face she then looked up and then she spoke.

"She didn't bother you two much did she because she can be a handful" asked Demi.

"Penny is an angel you are lucky you found a little who is not a brat" spoke Ally.

Demi slowly leaned forward and then kissed her baby on the cheeks after a couple of seconds the girl moved in the bed but then she didn't wake up

"I think she can sleep for a couple of mintutes and can I get some coffee Ally because I am the one to drive for the first two hours" said Demi as she got up from the bed. Ally nods her head and then both the woman come down to the living room where Dinah was sitting with the twins and Natalie was holding onto Hazel.

Natalie looked up at her wife and then she raised an eye brow because she didn't see Penelope.

"Where is Penny?' asked Natalie

"She is in a deep slumber don't worry she will not wake up for a couple of minutes and you know we need to drive so I asked Ally for coffee" answered Demi as she came and sat on the seat next to Natalie and then she ran a hand over Hazel's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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